Reviews for History Repeats Itself
Domenico chapter 11 . 6/8/2019
Perché non lo continui
Domenico chapter 9 . 6/7/2019
Perché non contimui
Domenico chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
Perché non continui, non è normale
Domenico chapter 11 . 6/7/2019
Fai le cose ha metà, non è normale uno scrive una storia per non completare
deanron chapter 9 . 12/16/2016
I love this chapter,please update more offten.
deanron chapter 10 . 12/16/2016
I love this chapter,please update more offten.
deanron chapter 9 . 11/3/2015
So far the story is great.
spicarus chapter 11 . 7/9/2014
I was hoping that you would have revealed that Nabiki was the missing senshi.

Oh, and I agree that Ranma defeating Saffron was more due to luck than power. Although, personally, I think Ranma could take on any of the senshi one-on-one. Well, with the possible exception of Pluto; but she's got centuries of personal experience to draw on.
Ranmaleopard chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
this is really awesome and interesting i cant wait to see what happens next and i would love to see more like this. Please continue!
W.I.T.C.H.RULEZ chapter 11 . 8/6/2011
Man, why aren't you working on this? this is a great story! it kinda annoying when people start writing a great story then leave it unfinished for years! 7/5
FerretShock chapter 2 . 7/28/2011
Your premise is good and the story seems well written, from a storytelling perspective, at least. For the love of Bob, though, get yourself a beta who DOES speak English as a first language! I wanted to continue reading but the constant flip-flopping of verb tenses and singular/plural is physically painful. I would love to finish reading this if you get it looked over by a native English speaker and edit it.

eddog2323 chapter 3 . 1/19/2011
If the manga had gone on I would be waiting to see this in volume # 43-47. the manga left a lot of Questions to be answered. i see ten major questions.

#1 will Akane and Ranma ever admit their feelings?

#2 How will the love maze be solved?

#3 will soun ever get his backbone back?

#4 who will break first?

#5 will akane get a curse?

#6 will Ranma ever find a Cure?

#7 if Akane get cursed do they get lock in the forms they hate?

#7.1 If they do get stuck will Ranma-chan ever carry a baby in her?

#8 why did Rumiko Takahashi left the story at what in could be only a middle point?

#9 will it ever be continued?

#10 will these questions and many more will ever be answered?
The Wandering Soul of 1014 chapter 11 . 8/29/2010
-If you need a sounding board, I can help. Just please, update this some time soon!

Happy writing, and update soon!
wert1990 chapter 11 . 11/29/2009
please continue
god of all chapter 11 . 8/1/2009
Great chapter and story so fair pleaces continue the story soon.
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