Reviews for New Horizon
PerilousRosella chapter 62 . 11/10/2018
Please return to us! We await your final chapters!
Luca chapter 59 . 5/26/2018
I al not a personas who enjoy causing angs to people, hope that you retribuye Lizzy, bit is youe sedición. Well written!
Luca chapter 34 . 5/25/2018
Before, I felt compasión forma him at the end of the movie, bit nos, I keep reading justo waiting his punishment.
Luca chapter 26 . 5/25/2018
Of course! Nos that it is late, you regret it Erik! This males me sad, as if a perdón I love would have hurt me, bit this is not the case. I justo get toó involved, sorry!
Luca chapter 25 . 5/25/2018
Damn cward you, OG! Beating a giro! Idiot!
Guest chapter 62 . 6/10/2017
Please, please please continue! This is still my favorite fic and would be sad to see it go unfinished!
Threatens and Adores chapter 48 . 1/17/2017
Hi again - hope you find it in yourself to post the last few chapters you have remaining! Still remember how excited I was when you posted again after a long absence, can't believe we're coming up on another extended absence (almost two years!) it feels like only yesterday that I was reading those newest chapters!

Anyway, hope not to be pestering and wish you all the best xx
PerilousRosella chapter 2 . 1/24/2016
Please please continue the wait is agony !
PerilousRosella chapter 57 . 12/3/2015
Please continue I love this fan fic! I be you write more been waiting since March and its agonizing :(
Threatens and Adores chapter 37 . 10/26/2015
GIRL. It has been scary awhile, please do not send me down into that dark place of now updating this again! I'm sure it is rough picking this story back up after so long, but I really hope you do finish it. I love the direction it has been going in and truly miss updates. Hope all is well xx
PerilousRosella chapter 62 . 3/29/2015
-gleeful squee- even though this was the first fanfic I read it is still my favorite! Not only are the characters awesome but every chapter is riveting! I'm greedy though so do update as often as you can! Hehe!
RedDeathLvr chapter 62 . 3/29/2015
I love Lizzie's temper and sarcasm towards Erik. Although, if she keeps it up, it could be detrimental to her health, because there's only so much he will take. So now what is he going to do now that he knows Christine is pregnant? He needs to decide which woman he wants for Lizzie's sake. I hate how he uses her. However, that being said, I love the storyline. ;)
Threatens and Adores chapter 62 . 3/28/2015
Brilliant chapter! Despite Christine's POV appearance, it felt quite like a great transitional chapter with life at the Opera with Christine's presence. I particularly liked the insights from Lizzy on why Erik was drawn to Christine, but also how Christine and Raoul worked as a couple together. I'm really hoping for a few more short Raoul/Christine bits to give more into their relationship, but I imagine those will be a'coming especially with the pregnancy bit. That being said, I am also extremely looking forward to what I hope is the inevitable Christine/Erik meeting!

The ending was also wonderfully resonant, Erik seeking comfort in Elizabeth for the first true, honest time was quite exciting. While, of course, he isn't there yet, I am hoping it is a taste of what is to come! Thank you for another wonderful chapter and cannot wait to read more! xx
caitreylove chapter 62 . 3/28/2015
Oh! I did NOT see that coming. What an awesome and wonderful thing to check email and find a chapter! I'm totally thrilled :D I love Lizzy's less than lovely feelings toward Christine - totally natural. I also love the way she caves to Erik because it's normal, too, when you love someone. You can go either way, stay mad or feel the need to comfort. It's totally Lizzy to comfort (though can we PLEASE have a scene where she lets him have it a little longer and he has to work a little harder to get her back? Pretty please?). Please keep going and finish!
PerilousRosella chapter 61 . 2/25/2015
I'm honored to be thanked! This chapter is absolutely awesome as it is infuriatingly tense! I'm practically on the edge of my seat!
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