Reviews for Words
BishiHunter101 chapter 1 . 4/24/2014
Oh Ace, you effing crazy freckled marinefucker, only you would be awesome enough to survive drowning and who know what else to intercept letters (freaking letters, who sends letters proclaiming their death?! Oh wait, you do...). Poor Smokey, though, thinking his 'shitty pirate' died on him like that. I mean, awesome badass pirate dies of drowning. Granted, it's a devil fruit using pirate, but still. What the jello, Ace?

Anyway, I just loved this story. Going to check if you have any other fics right now, actually. (I've got an Ace obsession, though. Might ignore other fics, sorry.)

RebelxFangirl chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Omigoodness, this was so amazing!
I really liked how you got both their characters right. It's perfectly in character 3
I can totally imagine Ace writing this XD
I just wish he hadn't actually died :'(
Nihthrafn chapter 1 . 11/12/2012
I think; no, I know. I CRIED. I effin' cried while reading this fic. Thank god; oh thank god he's alive. Ace T_T

If only Oda-sensei had spared him you know? But that doesn't detract the emotional strength of this fic. Hopefully Smoker will realise the place his pirate has in his life for good now; and learn not too care so much as long as he can hold him close.

Thank you for writing this scarring, poignant piece and sharing it with us. Would love to read more of ANY fandom I'm into from you.

Best regards,
your fellow SmoAce lover
angelrider13 chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Awwwwww! Smoker cares! X3
Son Goshen chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
Oh. My. Gosh. I got tricked! XD I was feeling so emo and sad over the fact that Smoker's reading Ace's letter to him after he died, feeling just so miserable and BAMN. Ace is aliiiiive! XDD He didn't die!

:D It's a really great one-shot. I compliment the fact that I was able to feel the emotions very strongly, and how in character the two were. :)
Scioneeris chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
Ah. this was good. First time I've ever read this pairing. Not bad at all-I really liked this. It was cute and it fit their personalities really well.
JumpingBeans480 chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
This is simply brilliant.
Yumiix chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Awwww that was soooo cute ;w;

And this ending *.*
LunaticV chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
oh GAWD! i was ready to burst into tears by the end of the fic, but i ended up laughing like crazy! better, though. i don't like tragedy and death! XD

aw, i loved the part where Ace told Smoker to 'Stop scowling at my letter'! lol, Ace really knows smoker, ne? XD

aaw, Smoker gave in and really hugged him? well, myb would've been more hillarious and touching if Smoker cried! XD

lol, that was awesome!
Kiwee chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
I must say, I wasn't expecting this to make me cry, and then make me melt into a puddle of goo and start cooing about how sweet those two are.

Seriously. The letter? I can almost hear Ace's voice reading it, the way he'd pause in the middle of writing a sentence, maybe stare a little and smile, then go on and bare his heart to the world, in typical Ace fashion. He knows his own mortality, a little too well perhaps, and...

Well. Well.

Smoker is a big, soft-hearted teddy bear. But we already knew that.
Rewer chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
Dear author!

I'm writing this to say that like your story very much for its wonderful plot and language!

And here comes my humble request: I would be so happy to try and translate these drabbles into Russian and share them with my friends and members of our community (er, kind of) One Piece & Yaoi

If only you would be so nice to grant me a permission, I would become happier than ever in my life, seriousely! Hope you will notice this review and answer me

With love, Rewer

(and sorry for my poor-poor English :( be sure, I'm really good at translating though)
Nerica chapter 1 . 7/17/2009

i realised i had already read that one before, but since i found it again, i couldn't resist P

loved it
ShuraShura chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
I like sleeping with you. I don't mean the sex (but the sex is great, too. Everybody likes sex!), I mean actually sleeping, because I don't have to worry about waking up with a knife to my throat or not waking up at all. And mostly, I like you. Stop scowling at my letter.

He scowls further, but that's mostly to drown out everything else.

I do like you, because of... because of a lot of things, actually, and I guess you must at least tolerate me, because you stopped shoving me off the bed about three months ago. By the way, how do you manage to scowl in your sleep? You need to drink less coffee or something. Grog is your friend.

LOL, this is funny shit...
Ansana chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
Baw I loved it- I'm glad Ace didn't die in that silly way, Smoker shoulda known Ace can't die that easily!

Let's hope Oda agrees with that sentiment :-
Creeper-X chapter 1 . 3/3/2009
Gah! I know this fic is old but it's so freaking beautiful that I had to leave a review. I love it how it's fluffy but not in a way that it would make the characters seem OOC. Great work.
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