Reviews for What Remains
SAmantha chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
I think Sasuke is a character who tries so f-ing hard to be so bad. My prediction with Itachi has come true; him being a hero and a good guy. For Sasuke, his soul would be longing for a home. And Konoha is the only place for him to raise a family. Why? Because it meant so much to Itachi.

As for this fic, you are extremely talented. Good luck!
Kaze and Kiba chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
Your words paint a good picture.

Thanks for the story.

Mary B. Wolf chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
It's amazing. Really. It's a very good over all insight into Sasuke, who I don't like so very much either. You pulled him off very well... dark and angsty, but with the human side slowly re-emerging. You did very well.
The Only Sane One chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
GREAT! *claps*
Zetnnik chapter 1 . 9/15/2007
Nice! This could be the prequel for your story "Home Again".

I hope you'll expand on this and tie it in with the weird friendship that exists between him and Naruto, which you hinted at on your story "Shikamaru Glasses ".

Good job! Looking forward to reading more of your writings.
Makokam chapter 1 . 4/25/2007
This was actually very good.

And as a bonus, you mentioned the reason why I think Sasuke was able to beat him so easily. He was NOT in good health, AT ALL at the time...

I miss orochimaru. He was a cool villian...

Anyway, it was a very good fic, and the mood was quite well done. Another one of your one shots that deserve more chapters.
perpetually-prototyping chapter 1 . 8/21/2006
YAY, Sasuke point of view! X3 I thought it was very well written, and the fact that he killed Orochimaru had me cheering like crazy. Just hope it happens in the manga...

Ahem, anyway. I liked your descriptions and Sasuke's actions and emotions, especially the bit about "why he had not relinquished control of an already ruined existence..." I just thought that really fit. Poor Sasuke.

So, yes, I liked it very much. Great job!
Avande chapter 1 . 9/2/2005
Ye gods! Someone actually wrote a convincing Sasuke! YAY! *applauds happily* Beautiful! I really liked it! You should write more Sasuke-ish things, since you're so good at it. ...and admittedly so many others are...not. But no need to dwell on that.
Tami chapter 1 . 4/25/2005
Hi there! That's pretty darn good for someone who never planned for something from Sasuke's pov. It's got that right blend of arrogance and sneer and deep-seated insecurity for the guy. I wonder what'll happen once he gets back to Konoha?

That's, by the way, an excellent ending with the counterpoint of being in the dark and then wanting to see the sun again.
undrieverdinand83 chapter 1 . 4/7/2005

When I read this, I just couldn't believe you didn't get tons of reviews begging you not to make this a one-shot... It is written exactly right, you portayed a very believable Sasuke! *applaudes you*

I really hope you will turn this into a multichaptered fic, because this is a fantastic beginning of a story! _ So please let me know when/if you'll continue this?

Really, really good fic!
Manatheron chapter 1 . 3/21/2005
One shot? I almost hope not.

Anyway, it's pretty good.

Just figured I'd tell you.