Reviews for Never Been Kissed
kyuki619 chapter 4 . 1/19/2015
kyuki619 chapter 3 . 1/19/2015
Ooohhh takes a brave soul to have her put down her feelings and her thought as well with really strong words. I can literally feel it:)
kyuki619 chapter 2 . 1/19/2015
awwweee... aishhhh u guys
kyuki619 chapter 1 . 1/19/2015
Lisa1312 chapter 4 . 8/5/2014
I dont like the end.

First of all I would rather harry get mad and more hurt at the article than anything else.

He hates crowds, attention, people staring at him, and to think he would actually go there? For a girl who hurt him before? It might be a romantic gesture to someone else but he should get mad. To him it should symbolize
that his supposed friend never even really knew him. To make a spectacle of smt. He would much rather be private.
So I would rather he get mad and not show up at all. Then maybe hermione's reaction next time they talk?

Will he lie about reading? Or then pretend he doesnt care himself? Before confessing his dislike at the idea.

Anyway, the story is nice.
But as you can see i dont think the ending suits the characters.
Kind Baudelaire chapter 4 . 10/25/2012
OMG ! i totally love this . i love the way u made everyone think , it was over then harry appeared . :) :)
Terra ace chapter 4 . 8/15/2006
Pretty sweet, like how it ended. You have some blooming talent and keep nuturing it so it would take you far.
till' death do us chapter 4 . 4/9/2006
that was so cute!i love it!
zaprappup chapter 4 . 8/8/2005
that was beautiful! maybe u can continue it, like then get embarassed when they see theyre pictures in the Daily Phrophet and the school newletter, or something like that!
Goddess of the heart chapter 4 . 7/27/2005
Rottenkittenstastelikebras chapter 4 . 7/10/2005
Woah, that was cool! Kick ass story! The movie kicked ass, but this kicked ass more, cuz there was a very very very very hot guy as the main character... (Harry/Daniel) OH YEAH! You kick ass my friend, you really really do.
BeaumontRulz chapter 4 . 7/9/2005
LOL it's finished! LOVED IT! Ah man, almost as good as the movie (which was only better cuz it was longer lol). OMG i loved it to pieces mate! Woot woot! Go Mione! lol... anyways keep on writing... love your stories!

hotskittles chapter 4 . 7/9/2005
that was cute...little fast but CUTE!
FairyWings101 chapter 4 . 7/9/2005
~hey AWESOME ending! so sweet and fluffy! hope u write more hhr soon cuz ur really good at it! btw i've started a sequel to 'goodbye for now' just in case u wanted 2 know...anyways, great job!:)
Granger-gurl-rox chapter 4 . 7/9/2005
I love the film too and i liked your HP version a lot!

Even though you know the guy always makes it to the girl, it's the getting there that is full of suspense and you managed to capture that!

Enjoy your summer too!

ur #1 fan!
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