Reviews for Surrender
HoneyGlaze chapter 3 . 4/21/2014
This is so amazing! I love this fic!
Your.Suicide.Note chapter 3 . 8/1/2006
Well, this is a very interesting story indeed! I'd love to see an update of it soon, and until then, I'll be waiting.
Your.Suicide.Note chapter 2 . 8/1/2006
Well, this chapter was interesting. Though, I am a bit sad that there is only one more chapter that you have written so far... oh well.
Your.Suicide.Note chapter 1 . 8/1/2006
Well, there was a lot of dialogue in this chapter, but I really liked it. I think that you have a good plot going here, and I can't wait to see what you do with it in later chapters!
Hiei Jaganshi Urameshi chapter 3 . 2/13/2006
Please update surrender soon, it's a wonderful story and one that I'd like to see continued very much.
Arid One chapter 2 . 11/23/2005
Less mistakes this time. Good job! Please update soon!
Arid One chapter 1 . 11/23/2005
What language do you originally speak? Very good story, though. I'm still pretty new to the YusukeHiei pairing, but I've come to like it. My best friend is revolted, though. I just laugh like a deranged person.
Demon Hiei's Girl chapter 3 . 9/5/2005
I apologize about my name! ;; Yes, I think it is cool to be able to speak and write fics in other languages. If I could, I would. lol Great chapter! Poor Yusuke! Go steal him. .- lol Update when you can. No pressure.

By the way, you wanted to translate "Peer Pressure" by Hiei's Gothic Angel and I into Spanish, right? She said she had to get my permission, and she did. But we never got a chance to update it and let you know. So if you still want to, feel free. _ And thanks for reviewing it, by the way.
Animefouryou chapter 3 . 9/3/2005
Wow very interesting well written definetly want to find out how Hiei tells Yusuke add more now now update thanks Jessica
Suryallee chapter 2 . 8/22/2005
Nice keep that going please, would love to read more in the future. And have I understand right? English is your second language? mine too so dont worry I like it how it is and Could read it just fine!
Demon Hiei's Girl chapter 2 . 7/25/2005
Hey! I found this and thought "Yah! YusukeHiei ness!" And, it was AWESOME! And it's so cool that you write in two different languages. I can only really speak English, so that amazes me.

If you want any help with English, I'd be happy to help. I just don't want to feel like a nag. *sweat drops* Um, well, I guess for starters..."With" is spelle H. Not "Whit". Thought, "whit" is a word, just not an adjetive. Does that help?

Um...Let's see...their aren't really a lot of mistakes here. I guess you could say that you don't have to put a a quote if you already have punctuation there. An example would be

"Hiei, you're here!" You just need the "!". You wouldn't need a "." after the "!".

Did that help? Sorry if I sound like a know-it-all. I wanted to help you though cause I admire the fact you write in two languages. (Which, as said before, is too cool!)

Rurschach chapter 2 . 5/22/2005
I think I missed this when you updated...

But anyways...greatness!

Poor Hiei and his confusion! Poor Yusuke and his trying to help but Hiei won't let him. T.T

My favorite line was 'Everyone's heart doesn't beat the same' I thought that was really true, and it could mean anything! Like how people view love, hate, sexuality, friends, endless! Very deep words coming from Hiei right there

Much love
Hiei's Gothic Angel chapter 2 . 5/17/2005
YES! An update! Makes me happy! This was so cute! Hiei and Yusukeness all the way! Hey... Hiei does love Yusuke right? That's why he asked him? Just wondering . sorry I'm a curious person who now can't wait for the next chapter! You rock my black and white socks! Sorry I'm a weirdo!

Oh Here's a few mistakes you made! Sorry as of before, if I sound bossy! In one of the setences it said " Hiei sat down and think..." Think should be "Thought" More of a pastense thing sorry if that makes no sense, the other is that after you type a question like "How are you?" You don't have to put a period after it because you have already put a punctuation mark in it! ;;

Sorry if this confuses you! I'm a very confusing person! Anyway! Update soon! I love this fic to death and love Hiei's spunky personality in this!

Update soon once again you rock! Your english is getting really good! Keep it up!
Hiei's Gothic Angel chapter 1 . 5/11/2005
*waves* hi! Remember me! If not, oh well, most people forget me afterwards, because I am an insignificant person! _ Anyway! YUSUKE-HIEI-NESS! . I'm happy I'm in L-O-V-E With this pairing! Considering I write it, but that's past the point ." Your english is getting better! I was like "WOW!" _ Which I hope for you is a good thing!

Though the only thing you're lacking is a little detail! Not to mean in any bad way! Your fics rock my socks! the only problem is that you only have qutations and you really aren't explaining what's going on like for example... "Hey Hiei!" Yusuke said with joy while running up to Hiei... . Sorry I'm annoyiong and a neat freak! I mean a neat freak as in... detail! But still you rock!

Once again you surprise me and please update soon! You have no idea how much I love this fic!

Good lucks to next chapter!

-Hiei's Gothic Angel
Rurschach chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
Aw, I didn't know you wrote a YusukexHiei fic! _ *huggles*

I just reread your review for... I just clicked on you name and puff! I saw the YusukexHiei ness and was like "Yay!"

I did see many mistakes, but your learning English, so I can't be mad. It must be heard learning a language like English (It's supposed to be the hardest language to learn. I was raised using it though, so I don't know) I would never have the courage to try and write something in another language, but I'm learning Latin, and no one learns that.

I hope you update soon, this was really good. Be proud!

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