Reviews for A Curse to Kill
Guest chapter 6 . 11/1/2013
Neji is very ooc
MusicAngel13 chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Wow did see the monkey part come in
MemeLee chapter 3 . 7/10/2012
In think that this story has a great idea but the information pours out quite fast. It would be nice if you spent some time describing the day, the surroundings, their feelings etc. It would also have been better if you drop hints about her past so the reader can put the story together before you tell them.
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 17 . 1/14/2012
UUU Homebound sound good... cant wait :D
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 16 . 1/14/2012
End? what do you mean END? lol i really enjoied it cant wait for the sequel
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 15 . 1/14/2012
once again i love how it ends. Love Lee he is all brows and all cute XD lol he rocks
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 14 . 1/14/2012
Awwwwwwww i love how this chapter ended sooooooooooo super cute XDDDDDDDD
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 13 . 1/14/2012
Buahahaha laughing when Tenten was telling Hinata why Neji couldnt carry heavy things. priceless
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 12 . 1/14/2012
their 'arguements' are cute XD but Tenten will WIN
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 11 . 1/14/2012
Tenten/Neji time (cleaning wounds) was so super duoer cute i cant wait to read on !
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 10 . 1/14/2012
Yay Tenten is cured Whooo go Neji!
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 9 . 1/14/2012
Its Kankuro not Kankoro XD the old man vs Neji was awesome. Kick ass Neji! do it for tenten
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 8 . 1/14/2012
Tsunade talking abotu love XD lol keep it up i like it alot
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 7 . 1/14/2012
"Neji took you here." Tsunade said, "And he's away for a while."

umm wouldnt it be Neji brought you here, i mean since she was already there? anyway yeahh keep it up
shikamaru lover4ever chapter 6 . 1/14/2012
"I WILL PROTECT TENTEN EVEN IF IT MEANS MY LIFE!" Neji screamed, fighting back his tears as he pictured Tenten smiling at him"

Umm fighting tears, tha tis so not like Hyuuga Neji. Sasuke teasing Neji hmmm?
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