Reviews for The Worth of Words
6footer chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
Two thumbs up!
A.Baroness chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
I just stumbled across your story when I was looking for another one and stuck with it. It is really well done and I loved it!
Ansy Pansy aka Panz chapter 1 . 5/28/2005
Aw that was good! Do we get another shot? Maybe about Kirsten's proposal to Sandy? pwease!
swenglish chapter 1 . 5/8/2005
I just re-read this story and I love it! Please keep on writing, You're so talanted and simply rocks!
Cohen101 chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
Dude, strep throats stucks. I know. It's creppy, cause you really do have a hard time swollowing. I remember that everytime I swollow this one day, I would start crying. Strep throat sucks, but unlike Ryan, I talk a lot. Lol. I love this story, write more!

I love Kirsten/Ryan interactions, they warm my heart and make me all fuzzy inside.

Keep writing!
parisindy chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
gads i've missed your stories! i'm so glad to see this one...

and i wasn't to be disappointed...

well written and enthralling great job!
carpanther chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
Good one-shot. Ryan's silence now with even more meaning. And his paranoia, even if you share it and its true, is great.
ChaseII chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
This is a beautifully written piece. I love stories that reflect external action at odds with internal thoughts and feelings. So much of Ryan's life in Newport (and earlier) is obviously lived with this conflict.

Your use of Ryan's loss of voice as the driver for considering the reasons for reluctance to speak is brilliant. You show his struggle very believably, shaded appropriately for each of the people he is forced to interact with - teachers, Dr. Kim, Marissa, Sandy, Seth, Summer, & Kirsten.

Your Ryan / Kirsten interactions are particularly touching - wish TPTB would give us more of them in the show. In the meantime, thanks for delivering them so convincingly here.
Antigone11 chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
Lovely, lovely story. Beautifully written. Sweet without being sacchrine. Good job.
chazper chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
Well, here's the thing, Joey. Whether or not this fits with Ryan's character this season, it fits with his character. Any errors are on the part of TPTB, not you.

That said, I loved this story. You would think Ryan, of all people, could deal with laryngitis, but there he is, constantly put into situations where he has to talk. Even worse, he's subjected to comments (often very funny) about the irony of not being able to talk when he seldom does anyway.

You work in some wonderful insights into Ryan's character, like his comparison of Kirsten and Dawn. And you also throw in humor. My favorite example is Sandy asking Ryan to lick Seth's spoon so they can all enjoy some quiet.

It's so great to have you writing again.
famous99 chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
Joey, it's good to see you writing again! I loved the contrast/analogy of Ryan losing his voice and not speaking up because that was how he was brought up. You set the premise up so well and I was pulled into Ryan's non-verbal. And of course, you painted such a vivid picture of feeling crappy and unable to drag yourself out of bed, but doing it anyway. Yup... that's my day. Great job. I hope to see you writing more.
Connell chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
What a great treat for a Monday morning. I love the differences you draw between Ryan expected to talk in Newport and expected to keep quiet to keep the peace in Chino and how frustrating it must be for him to have the paradigm shift so dramatically after 16 years. It really does help to explain season!one!Ryan!

Thanks, Joey51!
melanie39 chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
A great one shot Joey. I particularly enjoyed the Ryan/Kirsten time because their relationship is a favourite one of mine. Seth and Summer struck the right level of annoyance, even I wanted to say Shut Up. In teresting insight into the different worlds and their views on communication. Really enjoyed!
swenglish chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
Another great story! Wow I got so excited to see a masterpiece! You're such a wonderful writer and the way you lead on the story is absolutly amazing. I can feel Ryans pain and it's like I'm there to view it all. You also manage to put in funny comments into the plot that makes me smile. Brilliant done :) and hope to get to read more from you soon. Keep up the great work, you rock!
benzbabidoll chapter 1 . 3/27/2005
Great Job!