Reviews for When the KittyKat comes a calling
shadisparrow chapter 22 . 12/9/2006
Hey, sorry I'm late. So... are Bryan and Ray gonna get together, really? I think that's cool. Then maybe everyone will be happy _ I think that the last two chapters were a little bit rushed, but everything important was there. Maybe just a tad more detail would have been nice. Wonderful work! I await your promised epilogue.
Lyson chapter 22 . 11/28/2006
well...i'm loving it like so much, a bit late but never the less its a review!

I am not a rei fan but am pleased you gave him a motive, because rei's never been portrayed as a bad ass before!

It was cool, and Kai was just sort of a slut wasn't he...naughty


Tala...i love was so painful when he was in pain!

great story!
Dark Kaiser chapter 22 . 7/17/2006
Aww! How sweet!

This is excellent!

I love a good bit of fluff!

Can't believe it's ending! T T

See you in the last chapter!

Dark Kaiser
amz chapter 14 . 7/6/2006
i loved the chap! nothing graphic which i thought,

but good anyways!

will rei have tala-kun? or will he be back in neko form? -hugs tala cat- i wuv


see ya!


ps, fecking amazing work!
amz chapter 18 . 7/6/2006
hey! kittycat comes a calling was AWESOME! i loved the updates and rei is EVIL!

and yay, brookies in too!

see ya and all, great work,


amz chapter 19 . 7/6/2006
interesting for kkcac! (abbreviated fic name ) i think rei does have

him...either that, or someone else picked him up but i doubt it. If rei doesnt

have tala, then he's gone somewhere to be alone..or brokkie got him!

but! what will happen eh?

ooh! look out for fumeras-fics-return! a ficcy i know you like is returning to

the site! _~
amz chapter 22 . 7/6/2006
kitty cat was great again! interesting about the whole bryan/rei thing, whoop!

hope we see another update, kewlies work!
catseyes77 chapter 22 . 6/29/2006
aw lol
Fallen-Devil-13 chapter 22 . 6/28/2006
hey there. sorry my internet was down. what happens next? will bryan go to ray and leave kai with tala? u can't tell me that is the end.

Mahiru No Yume chapter 22 . 6/28/2006
...just the epilogue, then i'll kill you...nah. just kidding

Fluff! Love it.

...BlooD MasCarA...
Mahiru No Yume chapter 21 . 6/28/2006
I will let you live...but only until you finish this very good story...then...i suggest you sleep with one eye open my friend...

lol. Just serious - kidding, kidding. Good chappy by the way!

...BlooD MasCarA...
Kuro49 chapter 22 . 6/26/2006
OMG That was beautiful! I loved it, fast update too... Good job! Kai and Tala are so sweet! They are so adorible together! I think the little Bryan x Ray part, that was sweet too! reat job! Update soon!


KamiaKotai chapter 22 . 6/26/2006

Aww! This chapter was so kawaii! I guess Rei does deserve somebody and lets see him try the macho thing with Bryan. I don't think so kitty-cat. They will mix nicely, and finally Tala and Kai are together. Great job. Catcha' later.

KamiaKotai chapter 21 . 6/26/2006

Sorry but fanfiction won't let me log in. -shrugs- I was waiting for it but obviously it hates me. Anyway, I loved this chapter! I'm glad that after all of that Rei let them leave, I'm still hoping Tala doesn't change back to a cat, but if so he was still so kawaii! Catcha' later.

NeverSmile chapter 22 . 6/25/2006
MuaHa! I knew Bryan will be with Ray XD! They are destined to be together! Tala belongs to Kai And Kai only XD!
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