Reviews for Unthinkable
LadiiSlytherin chapter 7 . 5/20
Please please finish this! Pretty please?
Honoria Granger chapter 7 . 4/20
Why do I ever bother with abandoned stories.
LunaLovegood201 chapter 6 . 3/6
I love your story! Good job. Please keep posting!
Indigo2004 chapter 7 . 2/8
Man, First Lucius/Hermione fanfic.. I LOVED IT! Hope it gets updated some day~~ thanks for the ride ;)
Simona Polle chapter 7 . 6/20/2019
I love the story, maybe I didn’t expected Dumbledore to be so open, but it made sense. Enjoy your vacation!
warchiefzeke05 chapter 7 . 3/26/2019
Wow. It's brilliant. Thank you for this story.
snape.granger.fanfic chapter 7 . 12/1/2017
Great so far like reading fanfic where dumbledore is still a great wizard and made twisted
PCB chapter 7 . 9/26/2017
I love this story.. Please update when you can.
I hope you've found your path..
annapsarudaki chapter 7 . 7/3/2017
Wow! Your story is fantastic. The plot is unique, something that is never used before.
Poor Hermione! I feel for her! I am 30 years old and married and yet at the first chapter I had to cry!
The dialog between Hermione and Lucius in the department of mysteries was perfection!
Tell me something, why did Lucius give her that kiss? He praised her intelligence and magical ability and now she thinks she earned his approval. He did it to tame her and take her with his side, as an useful ally. That is oportunistic and cold and very much like Lucius.
But why the kiss? To intensify this? It wasn't needed, because she would allready do anything for him. She loves him so much that she will protect him no matter what his feelings are.
Please continue to write! The story is very interesting and we have to know what goes on inside this blond head. I don't think that there is physical attraction towards Hermione yet, but it could develop. I doubt that when he looks at her he sees anything more than a child, but when he saw the memory of the yuleball he thought she was cute! And also the fact that Dumbledor says at the end "I hope that your love for a dark wizard will have a happier end than mine." could be a hunch. And as we all know Dumbledor is allways right!
Lean chapter 7 . 6/27/2017
Please Update I keep daydreaming about this wonderful fic.
Victorie chapter 7 . 5/14/2017
It's such a great story! At first I was sceptical about Hermione falling in love with a Death Eater and that she would ever be able to betray her friends. But the more I read the more I thought, 'Okay, it could have been like this. All of this could have happened.' And Hermione's doubts and guilt are written so realistically. I wish there will be new chapters soon :) I'm so looking forward to what happens next!
DaronwyK chapter 7 . 5/3/2017
Beautifully crafted story.
SortingHat chapter 2 . 4/22/2017
If she researched a bit further she would find out that blood supermancy is very important in ancient magicks and rituals. Without it a lot of culture is lost.

It's like Conservatives are good running a business because they are structured and have a plan while Liberals are great for new ideas but lack the structure and are all over the place if left unattended.

The reason malls are failing is not the internet but malls have tried to go to hip hop/yuppie appeal instead of what's worked in the past.

The malls that remain have a bit more family appeal variety and not just young liberals wanting the latest *fashion* to be part of the *Kool* crowd or the *Rebal* crowd that just hates for the sakes of being different.

I've seen many well established companies go under because today's young generation are all over the place and don't know how to properly run a long lasting business because they don't want the hard working honest values.

They'd rather party and get drunk to get into the pants of a hot chick then do their minimum wage job the next day,repeat. The average Joe Blow/

Sorry but that's the world you live in now where if you don't do that you are looked at like a three headed dog.
SortingHat chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
Hermione reminds me of a typical naive liberal city girl who only knows their little spot in the universe and may have a bunch of intellect but almost no wisdom.

If they were raised in a broken home then the chances of being redeemed are even less as they have less resources but put the blame in the hands of the wrong people.

So as a result get stuck in a sense of self entrapment because they enjoy free benefits and like the attention of being a *victim* or they would dust off their feet and show they can get a job and/or education of some sorts.

Even a GED is a far better position then not having it.
dog3n chapter 7 . 3/12/2017
Wow; very in character.
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