Reviews for Morality for Beautiful Slytherins
Ann Magus chapter 6 . 2/7/2013
Good work. I have been away from the HP fanfic life since a loong time ago, and its nice that your first fic to read is a good one. Thanks for that.
hotflower901 chapter 6 . 2/7/2013
Funny how clueless Draco is.
akuma-river chapter 6 . 2/6/2013
Lord have mercy. Potter really doesn't care about anything outside his tiny little world, does he? James Patterson? How could he grow up in muggle England and not know of the guy? Or how many of his books became movies? Surely the Dursley's watched them.
Reverie Wilde chapter 5 . 8/20/2012
Well, I started reading this before I noticed when it began. I looked at your other stories and saw that you haven't really updated in three years. I'm curious as to why, since you have done so much writing in the past. I hope you've found new inspiration and will continue.
TheBeauty chapter 5 . 8/20/2012
Somehow everyone in this story seems brainless. If that house was so important then why didn't Harry get a lawyer. Was Hermione one? If so shouldn't the brightest witch of her age know what to do in court to win the most important case of her friend? Why they never thought of a legal side of that process? And why there wasn't any contract of their agreement over house? Is Harry really brain dead or what?
deadwinds chapter 5 . 8/20/2012
I really hate how Draco treats Harry who already seems to have everything going wrong for him. Please tell me Harry gets the upper hand at some point. Right now I'm just kind of depressed.
amandas flying circus chapter 3 . 4/19/2008
i really doubt you will ever update this judging on the year and all, but im still curious as to what if thats any incentive to finish...P
Re-Used chapter 3 . 3/26/2008
Oh... I hope you update soon!
Animejo chapter 3 . 7/6/2006
Intriguing. The story hasn't developed enough to see exactly how everything's going to turn out, but what I've read so far makes me want to read more. If you haven't abandoned this yet, that is. Still, very well written and plotted out.
clefslytherin chapter 3 . 9/1/2005
gosh will it take much longer until you update, seriously this is killing me!
Dreaming-Sensations chapter 3 . 8/17/2005
Oh come on thats just evil to end the chapter there!
necessarily-anonymous chapter 3 . 8/12/2005
how could you stop! i wanted to know what Draco had it mind! please update soon!
Danish Pastry 28 chapter 3 . 8/12/2005
Very interesting. I love it. I think the plot is well thought out and the chapters are relatively long and well written. Please update soon

Love Danish

bsxhpdr chapter 3 . 8/11/2005
I love this story and I am dying to find out where this is going! Please update soon! You are such a talented writer and have developed the characters so well. Great story! Update!
lara tyler chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
cedar, this fic rocks. i enjoy it immensely and i would love it if you would update past the first two chapters.

of course, its your fic and you should do as you please, but i just thought id remind you how much i like reading it (and the rest of your work).

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