Reviews for An Unforeseen Occurrence
Kirk chapter 10 . 11/27/2014
I have found this work to be as enjoyable as anything I've read by Sir A.C.D. himself. Thank you for that enjoyment.
Carriewhowasreading chapter 4 . 4/30/2014
I have to once again thank you both for sharing your efforts with the rest of us. Your series has provided so much welcome entertainment
Kazza chapter 14 . 3/23/2014
Delightful story.
dansesinfernale chapter 14 . 5/9/2013

/ sobs

This was so absolutely perfect ugh
inuyashaxkagome321 chapter 13 . 2/4/2012
The Captain is a bad guy, isn't he? I certainly hope so.

Anyway, I've been reading your stories and they are marvolous! When I finish this one, I can't wait to read the next! Very good job at making it nearly as realistic as the books!
Dimac99 chapter 14 . 3/22/2010
I love the note on which this story ends, the epilogue is just perfect. I also love your characterisation of the canon characters and your OCs - the Duchess, in particular, is simply magnificent! My heart goes out to poor Helen at this point. To be in love with a man who barely even notices you as a woman must be truly heartbreaking. Also, you handled Mary and John's loss very well, without making a big deal out of it - rather as the Victorians themselves probably did. I'm getting all excited now though, because I know what's coming up in the next story!

Onwards! Tally-ho!
bedazzled-bat chapter 14 . 10/30/2009
Argh, Holmes, you are so infuriating! I just want to grab his jacket and shake him back and forth.

Another fabulous story! I enjoyed the Lucifer Hunt arc, and I definitely enjoyed Watson and Mary's constant puppy-eyes at each other, and was quite crushed for her miscarriage. :( Baw, life.

Off to read the next one, in which I am dearly hoping Holmes gets ahold of himself, gr!

Lauren chapter 7 . 7/7/2008
This is very good, but I hope you won't mind if I point out that Helen Thurlow couldn't have ridden George Lynley's horse back, since ladies were strictly confined to sidesaddle at the time. Other than that little error, you've done an excellent job of portraying Victorian life, and I LOVE that the characters are so realistic! Thank you!
DetectiveMarlowe chapter 14 . 12/27/2007
My, My now that Sherlock sees Helen courting another man, he gets to feel uncomfortable around her. All in all the stroy was very nice, and added more depth to Helen.
DetectiveMarlowe chapter 10 . 12/27/2007
I was just wondering something, I'm not very good at knowing social practices in Victorian times. I was wondering how many stages of mourning there are and how long till Helen is out of them all?
Concetta chapter 10 . 5/17/2007
Aw, man, I was giddy reading their waltz. Giggling like a madwoman. Lucky me I was alone!

Concetta too lazy too login chapter 1 . 5/15/2007
Great first chapter!

bann chapter 14 . 4/1/2007
Wonderful Story! It has kept me completely enthralled for hours, and I commend both of you for its writing!
UnseenCharacters chapter 14 . 10/13/2006! Having finally finished reading, I find myself wanting to smack Holmes on the head with that cane of his. Silly man!
UnseenCharacters chapter 11 . 10/13/2006
Another wonderful chapter. As a Londoner I thank you for the sentiments about the bombings, but as this story reminds us, what with the irish, the germans and assorted random nutters we're pretty used to it by now.

I won't pretend that these events are anything but terrible for those involved, (one friend was caught up in a blast at Victoria station a few years ago, another was at Canary Wharf and another had just left the Admiral Duncan when the nail bomb went off) but I can't help thinking that a little perspective is in order. 52 people (iirc) were killed in the July 7th bombs. In 2004, 216 people died in accidents on London's roads (down 56 from the previous year so really we're ahead) and there are an average of 6 _accidental_ deaths on the tube each year - a remarkable record considering the number of journeys taken and how crowded the platforms can get.

All things considered, I think a more appropriate response than this 'climate of fear' nonsense is to praise our tube staff and emergency services for their handling of such events, which have the potential to be very much worse than they usually are.

*gets down off soapbox*
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