Reviews for Waiting for the Light
s chapter 68 . 5/6/2019
I'm still living in hope that this story will be updated as it's a great tale which I've been following from chapter one.
starfeatherhp chapter 10 . 12/11/2016
I haven't seen Harper's dataport in Andromeda on TV, but I could imagine how horrifying to be tortured through his brain is.
I wished Felix had mercy to let him sip his lemonade. The description of the torture scene reminded me of 'Kunta Kinte' (Roots). I wonder where the cruelty of human-beings comes from. This question is always applied to both the fiction world and the Real world. I admire your work, farmgirl. I always impressed by the way, the expression when you write about hunger for freedom.

I had a hope that Harper could find the way to escape or beat Felix grabbing the chance to be ordered to fix the equipment, but you don't give him a chance so easily. I wondered what Dylan was doing ATM. I hope the captain will be able to notice what happened to Harper.

His last word :Beka is so intense. I hope someone on his side will listen to his pray and save him.
Crayola chapter 68 . 11/22/2016
Oh. My. God. I read this story YEARS ago, back when Andromeda was still airing. I don't even remember where it left off then, but when I decided to go back and re-read some of my faves from my rare fandom list I had no idea this treat would be waiting! I hope you finish it up, but it's so nice to see that the three of them got off that planet. A bit of comfort and happiness in what's been a pretty bleak month. Thanks!
Guest chapter 68 . 10/1/2016
Am enjoying this so much! Love the hopefulness now that Harper is on his way to getting better, and how Tyr is being his own version of a softy by going off to help him, plus the changing dynamic with Dylan settling back into being Captain. So good :)
starfeatherhp chapter 8 . 8/5/2016
Oh, no, someone has to rescue Harper immediately! Torturing scene is so brutal. I wonder how many times he had to bear the pain in the past. Seeing all horrible metal equipments must be so scary.

Is the evil leader Felix a kind of monster? He seems to be far taller and bigger than Harper. Repeating pull and deposit must have done lots of damages to him. I hope Dylan or someone will think of a good plan to run away from the hell. Take your space engineer pride back, Harper! You are not slave!
Jinxauthor Mel chapter 68 . 8/4/2016
This chapter flows very gently, it has a soothing quality despite the painful plot it carries. In regards to my hang-up with the previous one, I especially liked the part where you show just how well Dylan knows Harper only on the basis of their own shared history, which subtly highlights the attention and consideration Dylan devotes to Harper.
Jinxauthor Mel chapter 66 . 8/4/2016
I held off writing my review for this chapter because it left me a little at odds with the plot. The whole brother thing just came out of nowhere; it was never ever hinted at in former chapters – not even in that referenced Colleen passage, where Dylan was 'not sure what to do or say in the face of such a deep and long held grief.' (Should you ever edit all the chapters later on, you might wanna insert some subtle clues along the way.) And somehow, I felt like such a background cheapens their history and bond, to have it been influenced (if not caused) by a dead third party rather than it being rooted solely between these two's interactions and understandings.
Charli chapter 68 . 7/11/2016
Just heart wrenching to see Harper hurting even if it is for his own good! You did good with the little things that show how the others care about him, including Tyr! Showing rather than outright telling your reader is much better!
Tyr was good! His voice/speech patterns were good and you put his laughter in just the right places. I could see him sneaking in close to Harper to freak him out!
I liked the bit about Beka maybe being a little jealous of Harper's new relationship with Dylan. It was very realistic as shared experiences draw people closer and Dylan/Harper have shared something that Beka can't begin to comprehend.
Trance's gestures, like stroking his hair, were also perfect!
Loved that the stuffed cat is still his 'comfort object'!
Love where the story is going!
scribhneoir chapter 68 . 7/10/2016
I was so pleased to see an update from you and you've definitely maintained the great story telling. I really like this chapter but especially that last line, '...out like a light'. It really ties in well with the title of the story, the encouragement from Tyr to find a way to overcome challenges and the entire journey back for both Harper and Dylan. The strength which Tyr reminded Harper that he possessed was so clearly evident in his endurance of the painful treatment and the memories which it provoked. The connection with Dylan was so touching and subtle; a gentle reminder of the bond this entire experience has created with them. I'm glad there was a cure for the TB but also that it wasn't a 'magic' instantaneous cure, it's a process and a journey much like Harper's entire experience.
Another excellent chapter, well done!
smuffly chapter 68 . 7/10/2016
You included the cat! I love it. In spite of what Harper is going through, this was a very sweet chapter, with the whole crew showing him such quiet and caring support - even Tyr. I liked the way you dropped in familiar lines when Tyr and Harper were having their conversation, and I loved the whole way you handled that particular scene. Now, go to bed, NaNo girl. You must be exhausted - but you did it!
max chapter 67 . 6/27/2016
I'm still reading...
Samantha V chapter 67 . 6/5/2016
Love Dylan's story about CJ with Harper. Poor Harper's gone through so much - and now, with the tb being stubborn, even more - it's lovely that he's gotten this from Dylan, that he sees him as his brother. And Twig is such a wonderful character; I love how he creates such a fresh perspective.
Still very much enjoying this, and yay! for more to come :)
Benesound chapter 67 . 5/27/2016
Great story! I Liked Dylan's reaction finding out about the Commonwealth's refusal to rescue Harper and himself. I can't remember if Harper's cerebral port was damaged, but even if it was, perhaps he could get another one. The new one could be wireless. No plug! :) He doesn't need eyes in Andromeda's matrix. More please. Harper can't stay blind and Tyr is on a mission. Don't forget Tyr! I'm glad I visited Fanfiction tonight and found several new chapters to this. Thank you for not abandoning this story.
Charli chapter 67 . 5/17/2016
Love the Shel Silverstein quote! That's probably my favorite from him.

Love the small 'moments' you're including with each member of the crew! Especially the Trance-isms! Talking to Tyr's back and him not acknowledging hearing her was perfect!

Loved Dylan wandering through his room, reconnecting with his preslave self and that moment of realization that he was more than a little full of himself. I liked Dylan, but always thought he might be a little overconfident and demanding that the universe see things his way...

Beka voice and actions are still good!

Purple hat was a good comedic moment! Freezing Harper is a lovely way to continue to torture him! ;)

Twig in hydroponics was great! I could see this little boy wanting to explore, amazed by the sight, afraid to move off on his own, seeing flowers for the first time, touching grass... And then, as children will do, suddenly showing deep thought/emotion for Harper!

Nice, long update! Thank you!
Charli chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
Poor Dylan. He must have felt awful about how that revelation came about. Can't blame him. The flippant response he'd expected would have been much more characteristic of Harper, especially if he didn't want to open up about having been a slave.
Soo... I know you're really wanting to finish this fic, but I think there is a sidebar short story about Slave Harper learning to deliver babies... Please?
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