Reviews for Rose and Violets
Queen Wilder chapter 1 . 3/2/2006

That's so sweet!

I almost cried!

Another well writen story!
KyraValo chapter 1 . 5/6/2005
*mutters to self* see, i knew seles would admit to loving her big brother at some point *mumble mumble* ahem...this was a great storie! it was different and unique, and thats what i liked about it. keep writing!

Syntia chapter 1 . 4/23/2005
-stares with big watery eyes- WHAN. .
Tenshi no Namida chapter 1 . 4/21/2005
Hi sabirua_chan! That was so sad. Seles and Sheena finally realize their feelings for him. Well, write more soon!
Valhara chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
Wow...this was a great story! _ Even though Zelos dies you did a excellent job. I was a bit surprised/relieved that Seles actually cared about her big brother and bothered to show it. Great sister and brother bond right there! Hehe, I really loved the end. It gives me a clear perception on how much Seles noticed those itty bitty things about her brother. Oh, and that part when Sheena tells Seles not to cry or else Zelos' spirit won't go into the afterlife, that was a nice touch. Sorry, this may be too in-depth so I'll just shut up now. - Well, keep on writing Sheelos and make them longer! (And don't worry, we know you'll never abandon writing!)
Kaz McDonell Miller chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
To be honest, I was very moved... it almost hurt. I half-expected that little girl to be who was mentioned, but I half didn't but... ;_; It was a seet story, but it really reflects on my personal views on how to react when someone dies... but either way it was well put.
E.S. Simeon chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
OK I'll review... anyways Everything went fine and all good.