Reviews for CALL OF DUTY: High Noon chapter 7 . 2/19/2019
Hiiiii. Love the actions bits so far, I could see what you were trying to do and it came out really good! So far my only concern is the 'pull the plug' thing. Typically those situations are decide by the family of the patient, and usually isnt an option unless there's been months or sometimes years of the patient not getting better/not waking up/remains critical for a long time/etc. I understand it's for the story to move on but medical things bug me sorry . Especially with this time frame, the incident happened yesterday. Barely 24 hours have passed meaning a lot of tests and check ups are still happening and not much has been 100 confirmed with Dicks health. He'd be under close observation for mayyyyybe 48 hours because of his lungs (so in the ICU for a while, maybe longer. Meaning limited visiting to 2 family members at a time depending on the hospital). As far as I know comas aren't confirmed unless patient is out for a long ass time, Doctors can 'predict' a comatose state though and say "they might not wake up for a while."

Anyway sorry you don't have to do anything with my ramble I just needed to say it haha. Your writing is very descriptive and I love how your story flows! Good work, keep it up!
a2zmom chapter 9 . 11/11/2018
I remembered this story from a long time ago although I had forgotten the details. It was a great read, so thanks!
BatWingteenavenger chapter 9 . 10/11/2018
OMG you're BACK! This was a fantastic conclusion to an amazing fic!
musicalgirl4474 chapter 9 . 12/7/2015
:) great story! Made me nervous there, dangling Dick's death in front of me, but it all got better and I'm a happy camper!
creativesm75 chapter 9 . 8/17/2015
good fic. the middle was very emotional.
5-STAR chapter 9 . 4/23/2013
Awesome story
Your Local Cow chapter 9 . 12/15/2012
Damn, that was thorough o-o What happens in a course of a few days and then a fast forward to 6 months was stretched out a lot xD I think Alfred's dialogue was a little OC, just a little. I liked how you wrote his thoughts when he was unconscious. Ugh, I've got nothing to say :C

I think your story was alright, so thanks for the read!
amortimer chapter 5 . 6/25/2012
Great chapter! This story has me on the edge of my seat!
WickedBlue chapter 9 . 3/9/2012
Can't believe I haven't reviewed this fic before. It's a great fic and I so love the father-son dynamic between Dick and Bruce.
baobabs chapter 6 . 6/23/2011
Gorgeous. Heart-wrenchingly gorgeous. You really brought out the whole truckload of emotions heaped in these few scenes, and I, just... wow. I can't believe you managed to write so damn poignantly. Damn please that you did, too. XD

I really, really loved the way your portrayed Alfred's reaction to the wait as something in faith. I mean, it seemed very... Alfred-y, you know? To have so much faith in someone, even when they're comatose and you're trying to get them to stay alive. W

It's sort of sad that this story's finished... but I get to read the sequel. MWAHAHA. HAHA. HA.

Stormbird chapter 9 . 11/14/2010
This is pretty good. Made me stay up till 11:49 pm. That's saying something.
Kelana-ti chapter 9 . 4/29/2010
I loved this story. :D It was adrenaline rush all the way. Mostly, anyway. I love how you wrote Dick, he seems very much in character. Some of the little details you put in the story I really enjoyed, like Dick's stomach being a black hole, and his thousand-watt grin, the Bat family. Those were nice touches.
Victory Is For the Weak chapter 9 . 10/31/2009
BurnishTomatoes chapter 1 . 12/21/2008
The BatThing chapter 7 . 5/11/2007
I'm such a skim reader, you'll have to forgive me. My sister always gets so mad when I do this! But, I read some parts of your fanfic a few days ago and liked it, even think I reviewed (hope I did, I try to). Then I was eating my breakfast of icecream (totally healthy - blame college) when I was like: I want to read that fanfiction more!

SO I actually put away the icecream (Note: I had been looking forward to it all night and then some) and went to go read this! So, this is an awesome fiction, fyi, and I hope to read more of the sequel too. I'll actually probably read more of this with time, seeing as I like it so much.

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