Reviews for Basketball for Dummies
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2018
I just red this story' and found it very amazing... I understand why miyagi choose hanamichi as captain... Rukawa is a brilliant player but not a leader type..
Amurtaht chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
Oh. My. Freakin'. Goodness.
I know this isn't a sad story, but it made me feel so nostalgic that I almost cried.
You are an AMAZING writer, I've read all of your SD fanfics, and I really hope you write more. Thank you for writing these stories, they honestly make my day!
mrsklemzak chapter 1 . 10/27/2011
This was a great series! Really enjoyed it. Sort of wish there was a spin off. Good work!
Kaiser Washington chapter 1 . 10/28/2008
It took a while for me to realize that the narrator was in fact nobody I knew and Sakuragi and Rukawa are in fact seniors. Sakuraig's the captain and Rukawa isn't? Whoa. Anyway, I like it when Sakuragi and Rukawa cooperate, because you get little (meaning, none) of that in the anime. :)
Lutralutra chapter 1 . 6/17/2008
Just dropping in to let you know how much I enjoyed your entire Captains series! I just finished reading the Slam Dunk manga (way too short, wah!) and I've got to say it's definitely a favourite that will stick around in my mind for a long time. I notice that there isn't that much fanfiction about it that's not yaoi, though, so I was glad to stumble upon this series, which is all about friendship and teamwork. I think you got the characters in their future selves down pat, and I especially loved your freshman's point of view - it was fun to see how his mind processed the basketball he was watching.

You have a great, easy writing style that's light on the brain but not lacking in anything. Great work. Can I hope that you will write more for the Slam Dunk fandom sometime?
Scarlet Amaranth chapter 1 . 8/26/2006
Kudos to you, another awesome fic 0 It has a nostalgic feel to it and I love how it was done in the OC's perspective. Makes me want to watch the series and read the manga all over again.
shadowluck chapter 1 . 5/29/2006
(Lynn from LJ here)

Was browsing through your and oh /wow/, this is just fantastic, so very, very Slam Dunk it hurts. I love the interaction, and the way you use POV to tell this story is wonderfully poignant and real.
Ju chapter 1 . 4/14/2006
Love the interaction and banter between the boys, and the little twist at the beginning.
KnoT chapter 1 . 5/15/2005
Of course I don't mind you used my character. It flatters me so much to see you use Hiroshi, since you're such an amazing writer that at times I definitely feel I'm not even worthy of the mention.

Again, you are just amazingly creative with what you do with the Captains series, and this is no exception. I love the first person view of the new guy to Shohoku; it caught me off guard, because at first I was trying to pick out who it was, then you just let the reader discover on their own. It's simply genius. In just that one-shot, you created a vivid new character, and you really made it seem like history repeats itself- Sakuragi is now assuming the role of Akagi, and the new guy is like Sakuragi. It's great to see that. The characterization is great too, and I think the way you did it, without mentioning the name of the narrator, really just sets leaves the a sort of hope in the story by the end and keeps a distance; we get familiar with the narrator, but not enough. I really enjoy the interplay between the narrator and Sakuragi at the beginning, because it's done so well; the rebellious attitude, the more mature (well, in a way) Sakuragi, those nice little shots the two take at one another- brilliant.

It's cool that you mentioned Shintai, and as usual, your eye for detail is outstanding. I like the introduction of Miyagi and Mitsui, and it's great to see the two still have enough fame for the narrator to know who they are; the Shohoku boys really are going to be legendary. As for the Mitsui issue- Mitsui vows he would attend the Winter Tournaments, but it's sort of open to interpretation whether that means he graduates or not. That's why all the characters are surprised when Mitsui makes that vow, and why in the last volume of SD Haruko makes that subtle comment how Mitsui is the most alone in the group; he's an outsider in a way. So just because he didn't graduate at the same time as others, I don't know if that means he misses those tests to get into a university- he would likely still have to be enrolled to play with Shohoku. What we know for sure is, as you said at the end of your fic, that he wouldn't have graduated until after the Winter Tournaments, so whether that means he has to repeat the whole year or not is open to interpreation, but yes, as you said, it might be fandom that he would repeat.

Anyway, back to the story:

The quick shots that the teammates have with each other about how things are- Haruko driving, Ayako going out with Miyagi- was very funny, and I liked how Akagi's name didn't quite click at first for the freshman. It really seems true that Akagi would only be legendary for those that played him, but for others, he wouldn't really be remembered- yet you still made the Sannoh game that definitive game for Shohoku, which it was. It's a subtle move that I think works really well.

Nice job mentioning Sendoh again, and the group is as funny as ever when they break into yet another scuffle, especially the way Sakuragi reacts to Rukawa and Rukawa appearing behind him. The curt mentioning of the fights is also dry and humorous, which was a great way to inject a bit more humor into the story aside from the way you let the characters go at each other's throats.

The pre-game interaction was great. Again, the mentioning of how Sakuragi was a lower number than Rukawa and way people would be sort of skeptical towards it shows your eye for detail, and the way Rukawa cooly insults the other people is just so in-character for him. The way you portrayed the game scenes was extremely creative, with the lack of punctuation injected with the narrator's thoughts mirroring the feverish pace at which the Shohoku players play at. Not only that, your game description was done wonderfully, from the way the characters would talk between or during the game to the narrator being forced to call the foul. The way you make the narrator finally have that epiphany- the realization why he's at Shohoku that's spurred by the portrayal of the teamwork between Sakuragi and Rukawa is placed fittingly. It's also good to see that when they say their goodbyes, you kept it how the Shohoku boys would do it- typical male style.

Sakuragi's stubborness towards waiting for Akagi was masterfully done, and it was really sad to see how Sakuragi is secretly so affectionate towards the bigger gorilla, but understands and respects the way things are. As Hisashi Loves Yelen said, the way you put that bit of nostalgia for things and the way things have and will become... it's just beautiful. Really, it's just a subtle but poignant touch that makes the emotion in this, and each Captains series, a level above other fics around. The conclusion of the fic. is just stupendous, with Sakuragi holding out the ball towards the narrator and the narrator realizing what makes the game of basketball special for him, despite all he will have to face. There was just no better ending for it, nor would I ask for a better one; it fits so incredibly that I almost cannot believe how smooth you made the story.

Yeah, it's sad to see the end of the Captains series... but really, this was just amazingly done. The whole series deserves to be immortalized, and you definitely made a stupendous epilogue for Slam Dunk and gave that setup towards how everything could and would be for everyone. Each one was a masterpiece, and really should be read by every Slam Dunk fan.

Amazing job. I really cannot say it enough. Thank you for letting me read this wonderful series, I feel so lucky to have indulged in such genius literary works as yours. I'll be on the lookout for your future stories.
YWYLloveSG chapter 1 . 5/1/2005
I know KoinoTenshi will not mind you using his character once you acknowledged it... as for Mitsui having to repeat his second yr... I, for one, do not care if its either a thing from the manga or a common fathom misinterpretation as long as it makes sense so it does make sense and I love it!

This OC feels like Sakuragi like he was when he was in first year... nicely written and I just love it so very much! And Sakuragi is finally working with Rukawa.. but not b4 they get hard tempered like they would behave in normal circumstances...

KoinoTenshi! You should go and read this great fic by one of your reviewers, Laziness Incarnate!
Hisashi Loves Yelen chapter 1 . 4/27/2005
I don't think it was ever mentioned in both the manga and the anime that Mitsui repeated his senior year. I think people were just confused. But then again, who'd be surprised if he really did repeat his third year? Haha!

Anyway, I fucking loved your fic I did. This is so typically you: you combine humour with action with meaning with nostalgia for the glory days of Team Shohoku that I, as a huge fan, can definitely identify with and the result is another brilliant masterpiece. Sakuragi's wistful understanding of how things are is very subtlely poignant, and because it is so subtle it becomes more profound and sad. Sad how people drift apart after a while, isn't it? I really liked that you incorporated that sense of loss into your fic so well, and that Sakuragi is the one that is feeling its bite the most. It doesn't make him OOC at all; rather, I think it suits him perfectly, seeing as how he's really this simple-minded, sorta naive dude who hasn't been tainted by cynicism. Seriously, the element of nostalgia was the best thing about your fic, and Akagi's absence is just...heart-wrenching. Very well-handled.

I loved the way you described the basketball scenes; the absence of punctuation really brought out the snappiness and the fast-paced nature of the basketball action. The scenes were also super well-written too, especially the description of Mitsui's impeccable three-pointer (and this isn't merely because I love him so much).

Great dialogue too. Rukawa had some awesome hilarious lines. I don't think I need to say this but all the same, you portrayed the characters exactly like how Takehiko-sensei made them to be, without even the slightest hint of OOC-ness. My only complaint is that some of it was hard to follow because you didn't state who was saying what. Still, a second reading clears everything up (except for the "I can't believe..." part, and "I can't believe you said that, asshole" was hilarious, by the way; definitely Miyagi!).

Also, I liked that you narrated the story from the first person POV of an outsider. I think it was really effective because it allows the reader to see things from the narrator's perspective which really, really brings out the awesome-ness of Team Shohoku. This is the part where I wish like hell that Takehiko-sensei could find it in him to draw a sequel but...sigh.

This is probably the longest review I've ever written but you deserve it. Your fic bloody rules. Absolutely brilliant, Steph. The long wait was certainly worth it. )
Calliope Medina Erato chapter 1 . 4/25/2005
This is the last one? Beautiful! I love it! Even if Sakuragi and Rukawa still bicker they manage to work together so well. And the new reminiscent of the earlier episodes of SD.

As for Sendoh being scary the previous year, I imagine that he is.

Anyway, good job again!
reza chapter 1 . 4/24/2005
so long to read... anyways good fic plz continue or make a sequel