Reviews for A Serpent's Loyalty
Vanilla Drops chapter 55 . 1/12/2014
Every once in a while I'll have a moment of remembrance or recall a character or story that I've read. I gave a review in 2006 and recently decided to come back for a re-read. Although, I couldn't remember the details or much of what happened in the story prior to the re-read.. I've always remembered Niamh. Her character always felt so alive to me; all her highs and lows, the heartbreak and pain. What I read, I felt as if I had gone through with her. This didn't feel like just a story about her and Sirius, but about her life. She had a family, friends, and experiences outside of her romance with Sirius that all had an affect on her.

One particular scene that has always stuck out in my head was Rowan's death. Although he'd made his own decisions, his brother/sister relationship with Niamh always seemed so genuine. It almost hurt to have to see him die. I appreciate your epilogue so much, it was a wonderful way to put closure to this story by finding out what happened to the others in Niamh's life. Lana was a favorite with her remarks providing a good laugh. It's fitting that Niamh and Sirius would meet again in the afterlife, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I guess I just want to say a huge thank you to you and your story. The read was just as good this time around as it had been the first, and many tears were shed near the end. Hope that you've still been writing and that all has been well for you!
Jousho chapter 55 . 9/10/2012
An absolute wonderful piece of Fandom. I have never seen a fanfic with an OC do the original work so much justice.
You-don't-know-who chapter 55 . 5/1/2012
Twas butifal I laughed, I cried, you did a wondeval job. I LOVED IT! p.s. sorry for me english
HopeandSerenity chapter 55 . 1/27/2011
How in the hell does this story only have like 300 reviews. i get that a lot of people don't like OC stories but this is F*CK!NG fantastic.
chemistrygoddess chapter 55 . 1/4/2011
This was one amazing story. I could give you endless praise on how much I loved each chapter and how I couldn't stop reading it from start to finish, in fact this entire day was used to read this story. I could say I wasted the day on FF, but I don't think I wasted anything by reading this. I would have reviewed each chapter because they were all so amazing, but I figured that would be overkill not to mention I was too eager to finish it. Sirius' letter made me cry, I was in tears and I am so glad you had the Epilogue, I always felt like Sirius and Niamh would find each other even after death and her account of her dream sort of helped show that. I was heartbroken they weren't able to have Saoirse and was so happy to see a fleeting glance of her, even if it was in a dream. I think the only thing I was bothered by was how easily Niamh accepted Sirius' betrayal, I felt that after everything, especially after the night when they were tortured, that she wouldn't have accepted what Remus had told her. Of course, I also realize that she had probably been through so much and that the events lined up just right to make Sirius' betrayal reasonable. Anyways, great story, a real tear-jerker, but also incredibly detailed and I feel like you really captured what things were like during the first war. Your portrayal of the Death Eaters and Voldemort were especially powerful and I feel like the violence and graphic images were needed. Thank you for sharing and I'm glad I found this after completion, I'm not sure I could have read it chapter by chapter to get the full impact of it.
djane-go chapter 55 . 6/25/2010
i wonder if you remember me... and i wonder if you'll ever read this.. well, for starters, i'm not that annoying little teen i was in my reviews.. haha... and i also realized that i never reviewed the last couple of chapters so...

i just reread this story for the 10th time, it feels, and i still cannot get enough of it. i can honestly say that this is my favorite story on FF... the plot, character development, diction, and imagery - EVERYTHING. it was just freaking perfect. in a harry potter sort of way. the way rowling can capture a reader's interest in 2 pages, the same way you can! i really hope you write books some day, because with your talent, it'd be a complete waste. i absolutely adore this story with all my heart. thanks for the great journey. :)
Bloodsave chapter 55 . 3/17/2010
The whole story is just completely amazing. It managed to keep me away from coursework for two days (not such a good thing). I loved it, it was very well written with so much emotion. I wish you the very best of luck for the future.
kayellis chapter 55 . 11/13/2009
Thank you for writing and posting this beautiful story. I found that this story really played with my emotions, making me feel sad, happy, scared, nervous, and excited all at once.

I think Niamh is a very interesting, well-developed character. In fact, the depth of all your characters is exceptional. I like the way you have woven together the facts known from canon, along with your own ideas, in such a neat and plausible fashion.

Thank you!
DeletedAccount30062015 chapter 4 . 10/10/2009 minds giving me a "STOP READING NOW" sign complete with the flashing lights and the sinking feeling in the chest.

But its not because the storys bad.

its because of the fact that sirius' dead, and the fact that sirius likes a girl.

anyways... Great story

thanks for writing it
Autum chapter 55 . 2/26/2009
Okay, so I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done. I am thoroughly impressed by your story - it is clear that you put a lot of time and effort into making this narrative coincide with what we know about the Mauraders and the first war. Your research and thoughtfulness was very much appreciated, especially when it came to creating the Maurader's personas and integrating in other characters whom we had just heard mentioned by name in the series.

Also, i found the ending incredibly powerful, not just because of your own plot (which was moving, dont get me wrong), but because the audience has a building apprehension as the chapters count down seeing as they ultimately know what transpires in Harry's lifetime. Using this to your advantage was very smart.

Anyway, I dont usually review like this, but this story inspired me.

Keep up the good work.
David Fishwick chapter 55 . 11/15/2008
Excellent idea and I enjoyed reading this. Thanks for writing and you are a good author.
Lenny13 chapter 55 . 7/18/2008
Great story. Thankyou.

dream.for.a.dream chapter 55 . 2/8/2008
how the heck could you regret posting it? bloody hell, the ending brought tears to my eyes! i do confess that the summary didn't predict such a great story (not even one half as great as this), but it made me interested in reading more and since first chapter i found it a bit difficult to tear my eyes from reading it! great job and i hope you write some more soon! you're a writer that people shouldn't pass so easily!:) once again, good job!

btw: i absolutely LOVED the title!
Kwon An Na chapter 55 . 12/28/2007
wow there are no other words that can describe the summary threw me off but after I started it was hard for me to stop this was simply superb writing style grammer everything...
tequilamoon chapter 55 . 8/28/2007
Oh my gosh! This story's amazing! It made me laugh, cry, it's just soo amazing!
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