Reviews for Shadow Games
sylvaniae chapter 6 . 11/21/2008
Man, that conversation between Trey and Dawn was amazing! Great chapter and great story!
sylvaniae chapter 5 . 11/21/2008
I love the confrontation between Sandy and Ryan. It's neat to see how different it is from the original shoe.
sylvaniae chapter 4 . 11/21/2008
Man, I Just can't stand Dawn! Yet another great chappie! You're awesome
sylvaniae chapter 3 . 11/21/2008
Man, what sucks is that I know that Ryan's going to get caught. At least he finally does get out of Chino and make something of himself :)
sylvaniae chapter 2 . 11/21/2008
Yet another good chapter! I feel so bad for Ryan, and for Trey, too. He has a weird way of showing it, but he does care for Ryan. Unfortunately, his own issues get in the way.
sylvaniae chapter 1 . 11/21/2008
Wow, nice chapter! I love how your chapters are always so long, Super Chino! Great start to this story, and I like how you portray Ryan's and Trey's relationship.
katwoman76 chapter 6 . 6/16/2005
I really like this story.

The characters (especially Ryan) are a little different from the OOC (he is more of a real bad boy here), but that's okay.
Silver Dog Demon chapter 6 . 6/16/2005
You are such an awesome writer! I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.

"He was quick to remind himself that he’d been tricked in the past and he’d decided right there and then that he’d do things his way when he arrived in Newport, no matter what the Cohen family had in mind for him. They’d have to prove themselves to him first before he did any bending from his own personal agenda."

I like his way of thinking, it's totally awesome and the Cohens do prove themselves.

"The comment was meant to unnerve Sandy and he sipped his coffee instead, unaffected."

I think the only person not affected by Ryan's 'badass' personality is definitely Sandy. He's so cool, and you have his character down perfectly.

Thank you so much for the prequel, now what kind of trouble can Ryan get himself into, in the sequel?
Silver Dog Demon chapter 4 . 6/15/2005
Wow. That was a really awesome chapter. Lots of action. I love the badass Ryan, he is so awesome. I also liked the 2 conversations between him and Dawn nice tension there. You do a great job of writing, thanks for the update.
lelann chapter 6 . 5/18/2005
*sigh* such a great fic! your ryan is great! i can't wait for the next fic!
beachtree chapter 6 . 5/17/2005
Awesome prequel! It really transitions well into "Bad Behavior" and explains much of Ryan's behavior and feelings. The Trey and Dawn backstory is a big help. I'll give Trey points for actually caring about Ryan and keeping his whereabouts from Dawn. Maybe we'll get a prequel to this prequel too? Disaster Dawn and tormentor Trey at their best?

Yeah! A sequel! Now poor Ryan has been given a home, so don't be getting him in THAT kind of trouble again. He's come so far and you actually let the system work for him. Be careful! We love to torture him, but don't send him looking for trouble!
Cohen101 chapter 6 . 5/17/2005

Dude, you're an amazing story writer, I love everything you write! The Prequel's gonna be awsome I know, and I can't wait for you to get it up and posted! Wonder if Trey'll be in it...

Dawn deserved what she got, and I throughly enjoyed the Ryan/Sandy scene, amazing.

Keep writing! Update soon!
Christina chapter 6 . 5/17/2005
Wow it just got better and better now I can't wait to read the sequal to bad behavoir I will anxioulsy be awaiting it. You are such a great writer I think you have the characters down like no one else and I can't wait to read more keep up the great work
ryannotseth chapter 6 . 5/17/2005
This was great... Can't wait for the next installment.

Bad Behavior was a one of the best I've read.

Keep it up and don't take too long to start the next one.
jenskyies chapter 6 . 5/17/2005
It turned out to be a melancholy ending for the Atwoods. I felt pretty bad for Trey. Dawn brought it all on herself though and we all know that everything turned out pretty good for Ryan (so far, very excited about a sequel). In that phone call from Sandy, I kept picturing Kirsten saying exactly the things Ryan expected and Sandy going home to persuade her instead. Heh. I guess I just couldn't see Kirsten being so compliant. I very much enjoyed the whole prequel.
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