Reviews for Inside the Mind of Roy Mustang
Charlie Warlie chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
(too lazy to log in) this was so funny omg please make more chapters! KilisAMAROKprincess
pinoychick143 chapter 2 . 7/19/2013
LOL! This right here... This right here is a work of art... An art of making people like me crack up and threaten to piss my pants. Loved it!
LostInTheSmoke chapter 2 . 6/23/2006
Awesome story! I love it! very entertaining :)
xofull-midget-alchemistox chapter 2 . 5/31/2006
jeez the 2nd chapter was hillarious too! U made my morning twice! Roy and his pervish mind... job! r u gonna write more...i hope so!
xofull-midget-alchemistox chapter 1 . 5/31/2006
i love! geez im not so energetic in the morning...hah that made me laugh, ok iam energetic in the morning just not this one and u just made my morning! loved the end!
Athina Dark-Angel of Death chapter 2 . 5/20/2006
I didn't know Roy was so egotistical. Besides for that this looks like my own brain chatter. Don't you hate brain chatter. It's makes good for writting sometimes though if it stays on the subject which it does do amazingly enough in rapid speed. Can't write as fast as I think sometimes or rather type. Wait theirs my brain chatter starting up again sorry. This is awsome. I want another chapter.
CTHKSI chapter 2 . 4/19/2006

The random Ed-bashing. Literally. I love it. XD
IRobbedRobin chapter 2 . 3/22/2006
please type another chapters! its awesome i loves it._
IRobbedRobin chapter 1 . 3/22/2006
deafualtninja chapter 2 . 1/15/2006
Meow Mix Meow Mix chapter 2 . 8/10/2005
Yes, Monday is definitely the worst day of the week. When I'm in school, I always feel sick on Monday mornings, and then I fall asleep in class and get in trouble. And then people laugh at me and I get all pissed off. I never laugh at other people unless they're okay with it. It's not right to make people all self-consious (I did NOT spell that right!).

Well, that is my long string of reasons to hate Mondays!

Much love,

Alone in a New Place chapter 2 . 8/10/2005
man, i loved this. Hilarity ensues. I trust that if you do do another chapter it'll be even more funny, you write like that. I love this! For teh inspiration bet, i'd say that comic cat Garfield, cause well, he hates mondays too, but that's besides the point, TONs of people hate Mondays. Even i do-wait, i hate Wednesdays why? no clue whatsoever and yes, i have no clue, okay, i'm going to stop writing now, i think I've scared you enough 'cause you think i'm crazy now. Okay . . .
Jjaro chapter 2 . 6/6/2005
sounds like Roy is drunk again. his thoughts are so random its funny. Hey if you get inspired again write another chapter. i would read it. But would you really give me 50 bucks? Thats enough to buy a new Playstation game(wow i have no life)Too bad i have not a clue what your inspiration was. On a last note, i love how you add ed in the end, its adds a nice twist and is very funny. Keep it up.
floofyMiko chapter 2 . 6/1/2005
OH i love this~! *glomps Roy and all the silly Roy-ness*

XD love the lil Riza refs too lOlz

Roy is too precious *glommps him again*

Reijou chapter 2 . 6/1/2005
lol, you should write more! It was hilarious!
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