Reviews for Best Man
kawaii shaman chan chapter 2 . 9/8/2006

cute story! update!update! ahh...i lost it for a second there...this story is way cute! i really like it haha! hope you update soon. good luck with this fic. i'll try to review as much as i can
kean-srhuin chapter 2 . 6/1/2005
Ah, spelling errors? Otherwise, I like it .
OTP chapter 2 . 5/22/2005
omg i think being a bitch can be kinda fun cause i am one he he wouldn't you agree and wonderful job on the story i love itlike all your other storys too
FlamingRedFox chapter 2 . 5/21/2005
O, ahh, heh heh heh. Wonderful! It was soo cute and funny and I'll just ignore the whole dramatic grandma thingy!

I like the trip through Sango's mind. I tend to do the same thing, except I say it all outloud and people tend to zone me out, heh heh.

Sango does indeed have a very exciting life! I've never watched a pet cat eat. I'm sure it's extra exciting if Sango does it every morning!

I wanna know the story about the rich kid and the flaming couch! It sounds highly amusing and indoor bonfires sound like fun!

As for the whole kidsnatched thingy, I think it's napped because the napper person is like a cat. But that's just my opinion, besides the fact that kidnapped sounds better than all the others you mentioned.

I think you over use the word slut and its many forms. It is just one extreme you know. Basically, your saying Sango's normal repeatedly by repeatedly saying she's not a slut. I think we all get the picture. Yah, umm, sorry if this sounds mean or anything, heh heh.

Wow, Miroku's foreward. The only thing he hasn't called her yet is "My love." Speaking of my's, I wonder what it wold be like if Miroku ever called her "My pet." Hmm.

Me thinks Sango should strangle Kagome and then use Kagome to beat Miroku over the head. That would make her feel better about this whole thing. Plus, it would be highly amusing. Too bad people are too bendy to make good clubs. Oh well, I'm ranting. At least it's a highly amusing rant, I think, heh heh heh. Yeah, umm, you can wack me over the head now.

Anyway, wonderful, wonderful fic! I absolutely love it! Wonderful job! Keep up the wonderful work! I love the word wonderful! O, such a nice and long review! TTFN, ta, ta, for now!

Sincerely, Fox-chan! ~.
moonyme chapter 2 . 5/21/2005
update !
vine chapter 2 . 5/20/2005
(Don't worry, I can't tell when I'm OOC either)

Yah, you updated! This chapter was EXCILLENT!(it's late, did I spell that right?)
Basima chapter 2 . 5/20/2005
Yay! Great chapter! Update soon! .
xnalu chapter 2 . 5/20/2005
Aw come on sango... Be nicer to miroku. :)

Ah Kagome! DON'T LEAVE SANGO! ohh... I know what... Sango can get maried also and move in with them... To whom you ask? hmm... *wink wink* lolz.

can't wait till next chappie.
Moonglow gal chapter 2 . 5/20/2005
Aw, poor Sango-chan! And why hasn't Miroku groped her yet? Hm? Well? Explanation? WHERE DID MY FAVORITE WOMANIZER GO?

*fellow feminists slap foreheads*
The Dancing Chicken chapter 2 . 5/19/2005
i sit on the kitchen counter too...4 no good reason...anywayz...setting the couch on ok...great chapter...can't wait till u update, so i can read more!
Taseisha chapter 2 . 5/19/2005
Hey hey! well, this is a really good chappie, and it is made so much better since it is in Sangos perspective! Please, let me know: CAn Sango beat up Miroku? Or even hit him on the head? A little? lol

Anyway, good job, plz update soon!
FlamingRedFox chapter 1 . 5/19/2005
Odd, in one of those OH MY GOD, THIS IS SOO AMUSING, I JUST LOVE IT kind of ways.

Ya know, you have very interresting styles of writing. I think that every story of yours I've ever looked at has a different style. I find this one highly amusing!

Sango's just soo funny! And that line about the soap opera, I have a feeling it already is one, what with the way you've portrayed Sango and all.

Anyway, wonderful job! I like it already! Keep up the wonderful work! TTFN, ta, ta, for now!

Sincerely, Fox-chan! ~.
SetsuntaMew chapter 1 . 5/17/2005
I love you. You're funny. And the way you write Sango in her mind is just hilarious! And you'e written one of the few non-angst-ridden fics! *does happy dance* You rock! And stuff!
xnalu chapter 1 . 5/16/2005
nice...Like it so far girl!

keep on goin!
moonyme chapter 1 . 5/16/2005

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