Reviews for Clock Tower 35
D-Chan-67 chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
omg i love it so far! the poor scissor twins. i didnt think they would die like that. but i found it funny how every one else died. this is my favorite story about clock tower. it made me laugh a lot.
Godsent Hellraze chapter 19 . 12/12/2008
*Claps* Bravo! Bravo! Encore! I'll start on the next story now! WOOHOO!
Godsent Hellraze chapter 18 . 12/12/2008
Vega: NO! *Holds your head in my hands as you lay on the ground, bleeding* I can't beleive this! YOU CAN'T DIE! SO MANY FICS YOU GOTTA STAR IN! *Bawls over you*

Slayer: OH! COME ON! She's gonna be just fine...

Nightmare: Hehe... You wish...


Vega and Nightmare: Sure coulda fooled us!
Godsent Hellraze chapter 17 . 12/12/2008
HAHAHA! The elevator was RIGHT THERE! That was funny! Man I missed this! hope to find something in your library good to read and easy to follow too, this book's almost done...
Godsent Hellraze chapter 15 . 12/12/2008
Hehe! "You love me!" That was pretty funny... and the Uno part as well... I'll keep reading! Take care, Psycho!
Godsent Hellraze chapter 14 . 12/12/2008
Been a while since I read another chapter in your story... WOOHOO! RANDOM APPEARANCE! I hope there are many more! Oh... I wonder what other appearences I make in your stories... Hope I have more time with the new shift I have here... I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while and I pray that I can actually get the next chapter of my CT fanfic up soon! *Stupid external hardrive sleeping in my room...*

God Bless!

Vega Strife
Tetev chapter 19 . 9/14/2006

Tetev: Nice one Tetels.

Tetels: Thank you Tetev. Oh, I'm Tetels. I'm from Rakion, a Mage to be exact. I just knocked...wait, what should we call him?

Tetev: Call him by Ageg, another name he uses a lot!

Tetels: Okay, Ageg will be fine, I just had to knock him out since he was getting annoying with his laughing. Well this review shall be endend after this message. NINJAS ON RAKION ARE PURE EVIL! BYE!
Jessica chapter 19 . 7/31/2006
I love this story! You and Katie are SO CUTE! All this reminds me of my own misadventures in clock tower three land. I should write a story too! But it would be about my friend Rachel and I following Chopper around instead of Sledgie. Well...Me following chopper around, Rachel would just look at me weird and call me retarded for liking an albino. But man, your story, Freaking FUNNY! I seriously can't wait to read the next part!
Tsushimi chapter 18 . 5/16/2006
Oh no! Psycho died! ... I hope she didn't die... ah well... The epilogue should tell... lalalalala... hahaha, anyway, fun chapter!
Oni Meowzi chapter 17 . 4/26/2006
AWESOMENESS! AND FUNNINESS! I love this story! Too bad it's gonig to end T.T aw well UPDATE SOON!
Tsushimi chapter 16 . 3/18/2006
SHORT! Oh well... better than nothing! The Mafia! Nice story! The preview makes it exciting to see the next part!
Tsushimi chapter 15 . 3/12/2006
lol, I thought they were talking about you and Katie being taken away! hehe: "There there, it's okay, love!" "You love me?" "Uh, no. I call everybody love." lol, even boys! 0.o O...kay... "Oh, it's called 'Two girls Taken to the Clock Tower Have Their Heads Severed from Their Torsos in a Tragic Way'. We've been watching this all day and you don't know the name of it?" Zoe asked. "You told me this was 'Full Metal Alchemist'." "And you fell for it, proving that no cute guys can be smart at the same time," she snickered.

hehehehe, nice story as usual! (and a hilarious one at that)
Oni Meowzi chapter 14 . 2/11/2006
"The Clock tower awaits"




LOL! A pope!


I must see more!

This story rocks!



Tsushimi chapter 14 . 2/11/2006
Oh no! Psycho, Katie, I'll save you! *bangs into the door* Ugh... what was I gonna do again? Oh yea... Psycho, Kaite, I'll save you! *bangs into the door again* Ah, screw it! I'll call 911 instead! Nice chappie anyway!
Oni Meowzi chapter 13 . 12/27/2005
WOOT! The scissors twins! Those guys are hard! My friend had a hard time with them! WOOT! A LIGHT! Peggy. Why peggy? Anyways, UPDATE SOON! WOOT!
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