Reviews for Eyes of Defiance
Guest chapter 26 . 6/28
I love it
Like we need more good writes like this about nejinaru
PastelAnimeKawaii chapter 10 . 11/6/2017
Beautiful. . . It brought tears to my eyes.
Lynbloom chapter 3 . 9/14/2017
i think I love you you for hating Sakura
NarupokeeAurorafan chapter 37 . 10/31/2016
I can't find your new site name on fanfiction :( ! Please update soon bye!
Little lunar fox chapter 31 . 7/10/2015
Sorry, I'm French and I can't tell you much, but I have a lot of things to say about it, believe me.
The NejiNaru is so rare, crushed by the Sasunaru and narusaku. It is so unusual to find a story between Naruto and Neji, so long and so well written.

So let me just say: Thank you for writing this wonderful story! :)
DreamingOfSasuNaru chapter 31 . 8/11/2012
Omgosh. I am so happy that I found you...nejinaru stories are so rare and yours are simply amazing! I love the way you portray your characters, especially neji. You have seriously converted me into a full fledged neji-lover, and nejinaru lover of course. The character development was perfect; their love for each other is so incredibly strong and sweet 3 I lovelovelovevlovelove the smut haha, and im glad you didn't make neji into like a pervert. The story was also serious yet add the perfect amount of humor to it. Your writing is practically flawless. You are such a great writer, thank you for the amazing nejinaru!

p.s. i can't believe your fanfics don't have as many reviews as tehy derserve. They deserve at least 1000 reviews! seriously!
Evan Sabaku chapter 10 . 6/15/2011
I want sasuke and neji to share naruto
FtMAiden chapter 20 . 5/17/2009
ah-mazing o
o chapter 12 . 4/15/2009
narusasu narusasu narusasu narusasu narusasu narusasu!1
O chapter 11 . 4/15/2009
ohmigod this is like the best story! Narusaus narusasu narusasu totally. damn that sakura!
modiluv chapter 30 . 3/25/2009
I'm guessing that you really weren't expecting many - if any - other reviews on this fic (seeing as you'd posted it in 2005 and now it's 2009).

I really liked it. You wrote it really well, and it was a tear-jerker at some points. It's kept me entertained for three days, approximately, and it's one of my favourite fics on this site to date.

I didn't notice many - if any - spelling or grammatical errors (which tends to piss me off), so kudos for that! The plot was amazing. I've still yet to read the epilogues, but I'm sure they'll be just as good as the ending with Neji.

I'm new to the NejiNaru pairing, and yours looked the most appealing out of all the stories that were posted. I figured that if I was going to start reading it, I may as well start it off right - and right I did!

Thank you for the hours of enjoyment (and thank you to my school board for not having banned ). It was really pleasurable to have spent so many hours reading your story, and it have it all end so neatly, and nicely.

You wrote it really well - I'll be sure to check out all the other things that you've written.
fran 3 chapter 4 . 12/1/2008
yeah sakura bashers UNITE! I hate her soo much, anywaay love yiur storys so much! nejinaru needs more fandom!
anime-4EVER44 chapter 26 . 10/17/2008
update soon
Nocturn Wrath chapter 4 . 12/3/2007
u made neji sound...old...really old...

Yaoi Trash Master chapter 7 . 8/6/2007
Hell yea!that was so cool!Dog pee!
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