Reviews for The Lone Wolf
madamwolf chapter 1 . 5/22/2005
Oh that is so sad, are you going to write more or is it going to end there? I'm not saying that it ain't bad or nothin I really do like if you continue or not.
EsScaper chapter 1 . 5/19/2005
I have to say, you did an excellent job portraying the agonizing grief that Remus felt. Just wonderful! I truly felt his pain. I especially liked how he was so lost in his grief that he lost his very "sense of self"...I don't want to say he lost his memory, because I think it went much deeper than that. You made it seem quite reasonable and even expected.

You were quite evil to leave us hanging on a cliff like that. I hope you plan on updating this wonderful story soon!

Looking forward to more,

Riana Bay chapter 1 . 5/19/2005
hah, you know, i was about to start my research paper... I'm going to fail for the year, but at least i enjoy being distracted! This made me cry, but i loved it. was it based on the picture? i love the letters. Siriusly. _

ArtysSexKitten chapter 1 . 5/18/2005

Artemis: There there. *pats her back*

That is SO sad! Remus killing himself is just... to horrible to even think about! It was very well wirtten though. But so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sad!
Lina-Baggins chapter 1 . 5/18/2005


Just like that? What a way to go...