Reviews for Character?
baptistababe chapter 1 . 1/8/2007
i've just read all your stuff again and remembered how good you are! you need to write more darling, you really do. your stuff is truly original, no matter how many cliches you put in, and i love reading them. if only there were more *melodramatic sigh*
hellokittymug chapter 1 . 2/25/2006
Aw. What a sweet ending! I really liked the way you portray Remus. This is going straight to my favourite stories.
KawaiiTenshi27 chapter 1 . 11/8/2005
aw! that's so cute! i love your fics, too, dear. thank you so much for reviewing all my stuff! or, at least, all my hp stuff. i haven't written much gw lately, i've been too involved in the hp fandom in the limited writing time i have. i never did see the entire series of gw, though, only a little more than halfway through. i was happier reading and writing it than watching, because i knew what i wanted from it, and it wasn't going to happen in the show. i really need to get back to some of those fics, though, like my darling Savage Garden, it made me happy. ANYWAY, i'm rambling about me, and I really just wanted to tell you thank you so much for your support, and i really like your writing too! so keep writing! ::huggles::
Shuffle Queen chapter 1 . 10/1/2005
Oh, now that was something. *tears* I was strangely touched by this fic, and that last line really, really struck a chord. You know, you're an excellent writer.
Dagny T chapter 1 . 7/15/2005
Aww, sweet and slightly sorrowful; I love it! It's also my favorite pairing, great job!
myspeedingpulse chapter 1 . 5/24/2005
*squee* Ok, I'm going to try very hard to leave a mature and sensible review, not a load of girly squealing, because that isn't really very productive is it? Anyway. Yes. Productive. It was adorable, basically. And that is about all I actually have to say. Complete with excessive use of punctuation. Yes. Very good.