Reviews for Balancing Acts
Esmereilda chapter 6 . 8h
no dumbledore did one better and hired reikai's spirit detectives
Esmereilda chapter 5 . 9/14
and at s class kurama was undoubted the strongest in the room
Esmereilda chapter 4 . 9/13
ur barking up the wrong tree there ron as kurama makes either a stanch ally or an even deadlier enemy
Esmereilda chapter 3 . 9/12
neville is gunna have competition for top of herbology
Key and WolfStar-SCA chapter 7 . 1/12/2019
*laughs* Oh god, this family. I know this story is probably dead, seeing as it was last updated nearly four years ago now, but I just have got to say that I really wished you had kept going long enough to have Kurama and his family find each other again at Hogwarts, and for Hiei to be present around Moody and Shiori. Kurama's explanation for that one would be gold. Also, Shiori meeting Harry-whom I assume she thought was dead-would also be cute in it's own right. I love stories that manage to throw her into the mix somehow. It's sad so few stories do bring up the tantei's families in any meaningful way. Anyway, if you manage to chug out another chapter or two, I'll look forward to reading them.
KuroHinata chapter 6 . 7/23/2018
centuries old fortress that is so easily get into and anyone can steal from. wth
KuroHinata chapter 4 . 7/23/2018
wrong information is worse than no information.
SpotlightAsagi chapter 7 . 4/28/2018
Haha - I love how everyone in the Minamino-Hanataka household has secrets. The magic secret came out relatively painlessly, but I can't wait to see how Kurama's secrets end up unraveling especially with the whole demon hunter twist.

Oh also - Ron is awesome here. Has good instincts and is protective while still coming across as likable. You've nailed every character so far! (Kurama's voice is also perfect.)
Viridian chapter 6 . 4/8/2018
Oh, I forgot to mention-I adore Kurama's human family. It's such a pity we didn't get to see much of them in the manga, but I absolutely love what you've done with them here. Shuichi is an adoring younger brother who wants to be praised by his 'nii-sanso cute!) and Kazuya is a calm and decent man who cares deeply for his family. I really need to see more of them!
Viridian chapter 7 . 4/8/2018
More secrets coming out into the open! I'm glad we finally see how Shiori is related to the Potters. I admit I was a bit surprised that Shiori was so happy to talk about the magical world when she seemed troubled referring to her family, but I suppose she thought they were all dead and never imagined that her nephew survived the war.

So Kurama's step-father is a demon hunter. There's going to a great many shocks down the road when he finds out that his step-son is a high-ranking demon! Anyway, urgh ... I so want to read more! There hasn't been an update in a while, but a person can still hope! Can't wait until the family meets up!
Viridian chapter 3 . 4/8/2018
Heheh. I'm glad it didn't take too long for Kurama and Harry to get over [one of] their secrets. Although, Kurama's really overtly cavalier with his reaction ... going from disbelief to being readily prepared to deal with his old school in the space of a few moments.
Viridian chapter 2 . 4/8/2018
I've been reading your stories for so long, and I'm surprised I've never read this one. It's a very curious sort of crossover, but I'm absolutely loving it. Kurama's also one of my favourite characters from the YYH series, so the focus on him is just perfect.
mishap chapter 7 . 2/5/2018
I think this is honestly one of the most unique crossovers in yyh/hp I've ever read. I like the setup and the background and must say I got a giggle over the whole family hiding secrets from each other that they were afraid the others wouldn't or couldn't accept.

I do hope you find more inspiration and continue this in the near future.
Ann chapter 7 . 2/27/2017
And just like that, Kurama's lies come crashing down. oh boy are they going to be shocked - or at least Kazuya when he finally gets to Hogwarts to help out Moody - when they find out Kurama is actually at Hogwarts learning magic. Three parts of the family, three secrets dealing with magic. At the very least Shiori is going to be relieved to find her son alive and well at Hogwarts - even though it was attacked by demons earlier.
Ann chapter 6 . 2/27/2017
oh my goood, what is the demon hunter is Kurama's step-father?! Not only would he find out Kurama has been lying to Shiori, not that he wouldn't have been lying about at least /something/ as well. But he's actually a demon hunter?! Wouldn't that just be something? And to think they've been living together, but then he wasn't actively looking for demons. oooh boy.
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