Reviews for The devil's due
TechnoGalen chapter 1 . 8/13/2018
More trash excuse for grammar.
little-bast chapter 4 . 1/9/2011
Just found this fic.

I so want the real killers to be found and Harry to sue the wizarding world until it's forced into a bankrupcy state. Using International lawyers, reporters etc... Humiliate the shit out of the British Wizarding World.


Take all his holdings and leave England permanently.

hope to read more soon...
bananacupcakes chapter 4 . 9/19/2009
Please continue :)
PsychoWing chapter 4 . 3/24/2009
This is an interesting story. I'd like to read more. I hope you update soon.

Quick question though: exactly what was Harry's muggle girlfriend's name? In chapter 3 you write it as Katherine, but in chapter 2 you wrote Elena. In chapter 4 her name is Emily (with Katherine as a middle name). I'm just a bit confused over it.
TheDarkTimeLord chapter 4 . 7/9/2008
that is one of the best harry potter fics i have read please contiue it
Chris ShadowMoon chapter 4 . 5/5/2008
no offence, man, but the non-stop first person is getting confusing. And the OC isn't too clear, either. Other than that, nice story.
Leticia Moriarty chapter 4 . 4/22/2008
CanadianWolf chapter 4 . 4/20/2008
love it keep up the good work!
Seeker of Solitude chapter 4 . 3/19/2008
Aww, poor Harry, but omg I love this story. Thank you for writing it. I would love to read more of it soon. Thanks
Secret Society of Rats chapter 4 . 3/8/2008
Your story could be a lot more fun to read than it is if you would take the time to break these paragraph blocks down into the correct components. First of all, any time you have someone speak they are supposed to get their own paragraph. The sentence regarding Harry's daughter is also difficult. I had to read it three times because my initial thought was: "WTF? If he has been in prison for a year how can he have a one month old daughter." Then I realized that you were actually saying that the baby has been having magical incidents since she was one month old. Maybe if the word ...AFTER being one month old. were changed to ...SINCE she was... ?

Having said all that, I would like to read more of this story if you continue.
zafaran chapter 4 . 2/18/2008
Oh, this is an interesting twist on the Harry-goes-to-Azkaban theme. I like that Severus is in this story as well. He's my favorite character from the books. I hope your schedule and muse will allow you to write and post more chapters sometime soon. Keep up the good work. Zafaran {mailto:} zafaran {at} fastmail {dot} fm
Alorkin chapter 4 . 2/10/2008
An interesting twist. Dr. Sinesttro is in fact Snarlius Snappish, and he's (a least partailly) responsibe for Harry's escape. I'm assuming after the restorative, he gave Harry some potion analogous to 'The Draught f the Living Death'? It's a nice Deus ex Machina, and is already accounted for in canon.

I take it Emily is Harry's child, because you've already given Cat as his girlfriend (wife?)

As before, I eagerly await the next chapter of 'The Devil's Due'. Alorkin
dinawen chapter 3 . 1/12/2008
nice story
Alorkin chapter 3 . 9/27/2007
I haven't seen this story in quite a long time. Last time I read it, it only had two chapters.

Hermione's awakening in muggle London was interesting. I would have thought she'd pulled some sort of feint making them think she's obliviated herself. (C'mon! Surely that wouldnn't have been beyond her!)

Good ol' Crookshanks is there when she needs him. That kneasle is a lot smarter than people credit him. I do wonder, however, why Hermione is invisible. Is she dead? Is she traveling spectrally?

Harry's incarceration under the gentle care of thug 1 and thug 2, is about typical for Azkaban stories, as is the invention of the Faux Dementors. Cerberus;'s serum is a new twist. I believe the dark brooding potions master hiding in the corner would have to be none other than Snivellus Snake.

With Harry's magic burned out of him, I wonder how he's going to defeat Walldymort...or is he?

I have placed this on my 'alerts' list ad hope to read more soon.

hpfananita chapter 3 . 7/2/2007
Interesting start to your story. I'm looking forward to seeing where it's going to go. I've also added it to my C2 of stories worth reading so I hope you update soon.
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