Reviews for The New Teen Titans
andrew.rossi.3538 chapter 26 . 9/9/2013
brandon chapter 26 . 8/1/2012
Plz do anthor it is so good
DafuqDidIRead chapter 6 . 6/17/2012

Anyway, great story, no OOC characters yet. 8D
TwistedBlood41 chapter 2 . 5/7/2012
this is a very good chapter
I L0VE anime cartoons chapter 26 . 8/24/2011
:'O Please please please! I 3 this story! this story (and teen titans pregnancies) is the only reason I joined! please? I don't care if it turns out to be poo! please please please?
The Nerdfighter chapter 26 . 12/11/2006
WAH! This story is so freakin' awesome and you're just gonna leave us hangin' here! That's so mean! I don't care if you grow tired of this story and post up boring chappies. Finish the damn story! Please. *Does poppy-dog pout*
ocean's pebble chapter 26 . 8/16/2006
WHAT! you cant do this! y-you cant discontinue it! its one of the best stories ever! RAWR!
Mr. D 91 chapter 26 . 7/27/2006
Bummer, man. That's too bad.

If anything, you should have left 'Teen Titan Pregnancies' as a standalone; things would have worked out better that way, spearing you the grief of leaving this story hanging forever.

Fics with cannon character's kids don't work out well, dude. It's a good thing you stopped before things began to suck really bad.

However, I am curious as to who was going to betray the Titans. That's one thing I would have really liked to know. Oh well.

This story wasn't a total loss. Throughout, you have learned how to improve your writing skills when it comes to expressing yourself and the characters. Your writing has evolved, and I hope you will use what you learned for your next story (if there is one, anyway).

Goodbye, man. It was fun while it lasted.
Mortal Guardian chapter 25 . 7/15/2006
Are we to just guess or will you inform us with the titans talking about how they were able to treat Bl. B. and B.L.'s beast forms - like with an antidote?

Betrayal eh? Slade's looking for another apprentice?

Looking forward to your next chapter/saga. Update immediately.
Mr. D 91 chapter 25 . 7/15/2006
Let's get those corrections over with first. :P

'Coming to a spilt where the tunnel diverged.'

I beleive it's 'split' and not 'spilt'.

'...3D image of the city appeared with the dotes showing the Titans moving...'.

Change 'dotes' to 'dots'.

'The teams minds were quickly yanked away...'

It's 'The team's minds...', get it?

'...loose an enormous howl that can only be roughly explained as sounding...'

Change it to '...howl that COULD HAVE only BEEN roughly...'

'...Beast Lad launched from the ground towards Black Bird with his claws ready to sink into Black Bird’s flesh.'

Not much of a mistake, but it would be better if you wrote '...Beast Lad launched from the ground towards Black Bird with his claws ready to sink into her flesh.'

With regards to the above mistake, you can change 'Black Bird' into whatever you want. 'his sister', 'his sibling', or just leave it the way I gave you. Take your pick.

'...his rows of shark like teeth.'

Maybe I'm being a nitpicker, but you should probably hyphinate 'shark like' to 'shark-like'. Do this whenever there's something similar. Examples: 'beast-like' 'horse-like', etc.

'This time Black Bird launched towards Beast Lad with her long legs in front of her, talons ready to grab Beast Lad by the throat.'

Remember what I told you; try not to use a character's name more than once in the same sentance.

'...ran on all fours towards one of the many entrance he had carved...'

' of the many entranceS...'

'...Black Bird lifted into the air and...'

Uhh, what? 'Lifted'? Try using 'flew into the air'.

'Squinting she noticed that when Black Bird screeched Beast Lad with her talons black magic did go from him to her but at the same moment black magic flowed from her to him.'

There are numerous errors in this sentance, but I can't point them out, cuz I can't really tell what you want to say.

'...broke her silence, “we can withdraw our power.”'

Just capitalize 'we'. It's the beginning of a sentance, y'know.

'Opening an eye Alakazam looked up into Mystic’s and realized exactly what Mystic...'

Not only have you used a character's name more thn once, but you also made things unclear. She looked into just one eye? Perhaps, you should change it to '...up into Mystic's eyes and realized...'

' up and was shacking off the hit...'

'...was shaking off the hit...' I make this mistake a lot.

'Beast Lad in the meanwhile was unfazed by Mystic’s throw and was up and aiming to attack Mystic with all the force he could muster.'


'...chocking him as he wobbled back and forth in his huge Beast form.'

Just remove the second 'C' from 'chocking' to make it 'choking'.

'MYSTIC shouted as he closed his eyes and the same purple light that had shot into Black Bird just a while ago shot back into MYSTIC'


'...hers and her brothers. “Get the number of...'

Change to '...her and her brother's. “Get the...'

'Beast Lad asked in a horse voice...'

He was supposed to ask in a 'hoarse voice'.

'Look’s like they’ll make a full recovery...'

Change to 'Looks like they'll...'

'Android said as she shook her head at her leaders little ramble.'

Chenge to '...she shook her head at her leader's little ramble.'

'just you wait and see.'

'Just you wait...'


What an impressive chapter. It appears that you're expanding in your vocabulary. Good job at that, my friend. You're making this story more comfortable to read.

All I can wonder about now is how Black Bird's and Rave's reletionship will turn out.

What really interested me was the final scene with Slade and the original Titans. Who'll betray the group, I wonder? I'm betting on Mystic. Say, how does Slade kno-... Oh, Hell no... Please don't let be what I think it is.
Valda chapter 25 . 7/14/2006
oh...I wanna do it! Lemme do it! DUM DUM DUH! yay I did it! *recieves the look* I'll be good...

I loved the chapter, chuck filled with action WhooP!

I can't wait for the next chapter, you kick ass and you should have lots and lots of people telling you so! See you next chaper

Neko Saphira chapter 25 . 7/14/2006
Awesome, I noticed some grammatical errors (Im wierd like that) but it was an overall awesome chapter.

Who betrays them? I'd guess Black Bird :s dunno why, but I do. lol. Cant wait for the update.
Mortal Guardian chapter 24 . 6/29/2006
If I recall, Beast Boy regressed to human form when he was knocked out or extremely exhausted. Will the same tactics be required to restore Bl.B. and B.L.?

Now Rave knows how Black Bird feels about him and they've shared a kiss. This should surely take their friendship to a relationship.

Now we must discover who will win the heart of Beast Lad. Will it be Alakazam, or will it be Android?

Update immediately!
Mr. D 91 chapter 24 . 6/29/2006
Ooh, now Black Bird has become The Beast, and is out to save her brother. I notice you call them both 'The Beast', but I assume you'll give them different names when they duke it out, right?

'why I’m I here?'

Uh, I beleive it's 'Why am I here?'

Alright, here's the same problem I've been stressing about: Yes, you have improved in punctuation, but not all the way. In the beginning of this chapter, you left out some punctuation marks that would have made things, beleivable.

Whenever someone's excited, yells, screams, shouts, hollers, or is extremeally pissed, you put an exclamation mark at the end of their speach!

Whever their's a question; be it it an inquiry from the naration or characters, you put a question makr, okay? You're doing well with this, but you tend to forget to put one in, sometimes.

Now, I see them meaning behind the arc title. It makes sence. Whoo!

Aww, Black Bird kissed Rave. Not exactly how I expected it to be, but it's still kewl, nonetheless.

Please continue.
Neko Saphira chapter 24 . 6/28/2006
Awesome chapter

Yay! Black bird and Rave kiss! woohoo! lol. An excellent addition to the story
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