Reviews for Unheard Love
Lavixie chapter 20 . 8/5/2019
A part of me wants to scream omg this is bullshit! The other part of me wants to scream RESPECT! Sometimes you gotta stick to your truth, even if no one else likes it. I mentally ended this story the way I wanted to anyways, but damn this hit right in the feels!
hopelina chapter 20 . 10/14/2018
I don't think I'll ever forgive Kaiba for this. I am so fucking angry right now. What you created was beautiful, but I fucking hate it. So fucking beautiful... Goodbye
The Third Biker Scholar chapter 2 . 9/16/2016
i can't wait to read the rest!
Yousexymotherfkr chapter 20 . 2/20/2016
Well now this story was worth a bunch of hours I will never get back. Honestly, the story just dragged on and on. If you love to write, please try to improve. Learn about how to properly write a story. The storyline and plot, everything, was too messy. It gave me a headache at one point. Nevertheless, I read this till the end.

Despite all the grammatical errors I tried to ignore, one particular error kept repeating itself making me wonder whether or not you know the difference between the word "exited" and "excited".

It's good to practice writing. Please continue, I don't mean to discourage you. I just advice you to learn about the rules on creating a proper story. Practice your grammar.

Now onto my thoughts on the story. I understood Kaiba in a way. I saw love as a form of weakness in the past and used to think love was only a distraction from my goals in life. I only cared about my baby sister. I suffered most of my life because of my parents and I wished to give my sibling a better life, a better future. I had to focus on my work to give her what I could not have, knowing what my parents can not give her.

Love. A weakness. A distraction.

Friendships too. I became a loner when I realized these people were idiots. Only thinking about boyfriends/girlfriends, parties, etc. Another distraction.

Until I had this one friend, who never left me alone. He kept trying to call me and hang out. He was persistent. Thanks to that we remained friends even after highschool. He liked me. I wasn't ready for a relationship. In the end, we remained friends until I eventually I said yes.

I learned people do need love. Everyone needs that one person who is there for them no matter what. Someone who will support you. Someone who will rush to your side when you need them. Someone who truly cares about your well being; who cares about you and stays by your side when you are old and retired. Family... Siblings will eventually grow old and start their own lives. Everything you worked hard for will be meaningless unless you have someone to share it with, and will mean nothing once you are dead. A loving touch, word or a smile will bring years of happiness to someone's life.

Pride will be his downfall. Love would've been his salvation. Tough luck to the Kaiba in this story. I pity the poor fool.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/15/2016
I was really excited to read this... I stayed up even though I knew I was gonna be tired for school. I really regret doing so now
Sesshomaru's Imouto chapter 20 . 11/28/2015
to answer you second and third questions in the AN/ ...yes I bloody am! . evil person. anyway. first question. it's the size of a normal book or novel so yeah
Guest chapter 20 . 4/2/2015
Maaaan, this is soooo sad.. I really thought Kaiba will eventually admit that he has feelings to Jou.. eventhough his pride says no..
And for that title, I don't even expect that this story will have a sad ending. I just thought that maybe the unheard love means that Kaiba is showing his love in his unusual way.. T.T
Well anyway, you did a good job on portraying Kaiba's character and how his character evolve.. all and all, this is a really nice and good story.. I'm juz a bit sad about the ending though. well, nonetheless, good job on finishing this story XD
SeverusPotterSnape chapter 20 . 10/15/2014
Wow, I was not expecting that. Took me like 3-4 days to finish reading. And yea, I'm one of the reviewers who wants to murder you right now... But eh, I'll let you live.
Guest chapter 20 . 10/3/2014
Mostly Human chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
Wait wait wait... Hold everything! You labeled this story, "Angst/Romance". You said nothing about tragedy, and do not make the mistake of thinking just because no one dies that this isn't a tragedy. When I read the last sentence of this, "fanfiction" (seriously this is like a novel) I nearly cried. How can Kaiba be so stupid!? How can Jounochii just let him go!?

Okay. Now that I've finished ranting I do actually have some constructive things to say here. Firstly I wanted to congratulate you on finishing the most well written fanfiction I think I will ever read. I hope you are writing an original story with your own characters, because I want you to get the recognition you deserve. One of my favorite moments in this story was your transition from Jou and Kaiba driving to Kaiba's new school, to them inside the school taking about how big it is. "It's so big!" That exchange made me laugh out loud, even though it was 2am and I was trying to be quiet.

I didn't spend a lot of time reading your notes at the bottom of each chapter, but I enjoyed seeing the word count. I found your reaction to the ever growing chapters to be amusing, even though I disagreed with you wanting to make the chapters smaller. Maybe it's just me but I like really long chapters. I think it shows a good writer verses a bad one, because the best writers need the extra length in a chapter to really add all the detail.

K I'm done being a kiss ass now, but I just wanted to write a worthy review. I'm looking forward to reading your other stuff.
Chrysalin chapter 20 . 7/25/2014
I know it's been a long time since you wrote this, but I always appreciate reviews no matter how long ago the story was written.

First, I'm inclined to disagree with any claims of this being out of character. There might have been a few moments that got the eyebrow, but for the most part I found the characters' actions to be consistent with their canon behavior. This is, quite simply, what they're like

Second, while I do prefer a happy ending, especially after the amount of buildup, I think you made the right call having it end the way it did. It's always been my opinion that it would take some sort of extreme outside influence for the two of them to actually get together. Barring some sort of catastrophe, one or both of them would try to ignore their feelings.

I think I read this story once a long time ago, but I didn't remember until I was almost done with it this time. I spent way too much time last night contemplating what I'd read when I was supposed to be sleeping. So kudos.
kanyon01 chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
Awh poor Seto. HE IS GAYYYYYYYY. *cough* sorrryy. Good work tho, ill read on!
Good chapter 20 . 3/28/2014
This story was good, but I prefer happy endings. I felt like I wasted my time reading this.
BlacknWhiteBubbles chapter 2 . 3/28/2014
I love how seto loves mokuba!(tho,awhile back I thought he disliked him)
Manga nerdette chapter 20 . 2/2/2014
Nooooo why! Why! Why arnt they together! Stupid! They are suppose to be together forever! :.( :.( :...(
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