Reviews for Anniya
Desert-Stream chapter 45 . 11/28/2012
This story is AMAZING! It's the best story EVER.
FOREVER WITH MY NOSE IN A BOOK chapter 26 . 11/16/2012
there is no medievalish word for teenager, the transitional stage didn't exist until the 20th century. you were a child then once of marrying age and adult.
TheFae chapter 2 . 11/2/2012
Great writing! I love the intro and the overall suspense/development of the story so far. One thing I noticed though, is that you said Kallia, the country you are saying that Robert is prince of, is next to Ayortha and Frell, but Frell is a city/town, not a country. If you mean to write the country that Ella is in, then it would be Kyrria. However, if you meant Frell, please disregard this comment :D
lady silverpen chapter 45 . 8/8/2012
FANTASTIC!do you have anymore great stories
BurnedPagesHiddenSecrets chapter 46 . 6/27/2012
I have been reading Anniya for about a week. I fell in love with your story but there was always something I wanted to ask as soon as I picked it up. If you will allow me, I wish to write a sequel for it, set during Anniya's reign with West, that is based around Char and Ella's daughter. I know it's a bit much to ask, even though it shows I am a new user (forgot old account ;). I hope that you will consider it and message me back soon. I would have sent this in a PM but I have to wait 24 hours. Also, I think it would help you out a lot if you described places a bit more. I love the way you described The Fens but I was still left struggling to fill in scenery and stuff in my mind. Thanks for the awesome story. I plan on reading Mermaid next, as soon as I get another week off school. Take care and keep up the amazing writing!
Wickedforlife chapter 45 . 2/3/2012
I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOU WERE A TAMORA PEIRCE FAN! Thank Ozma, the world needs her so much.
Wickedforlife chapter 44 . 2/3/2012
Wickedforlife chapter 35 . 2/3/2012
I'm sorry about the mermaid story, I know how it feels. You spend 24/7 working on a story and people can't even take 30 seconds to review it.
Wickedforlife chapter 31 . 2/3/2012
Liusa-The-Wandering-Maniac chapter 45 . 11/6/2011
Whoah, that was amazing! best Ella Enchanted fic I've ever seen in my life! Thank you!
Liusa-The-Wandering-Maniac chapter 29 . 11/3/2011
Great story, I really love the characters. I really want Anniya to end up with Robert, just because it would be supremely ironic, but sadly, all the clues i see point straight to West.

One complaint: You always say 'could of' instead of 'could have' and it annoys me. I know, i'm a pedantic me, I've heard it all before, and i know it's true. But when I see a recurring mistake like that, it really detracts from the quality of the story, which really sucks, because this is honestly the best Ella Enchanted fic I've read so far.

And one more comment: I would just like to say that I am five feet tall and have absolutely no trouble keeping up with my friends, who are all rediculously tall, no matter how fast they walk. So all this rushing around Anniya does so she can keep up with them shouldn't be necessary. Just saying.

I really don't want this to be one of those annoying reviews that's only complaints, so I would like to say again that this is THE BEST EE fic I've EVER seen, just in case you thought I was exaggerating the first time.

Peace, Love, and Recycle

That Crazy Hippie Gurl
Evenstar1389 chapter 3 . 7/27/2011
Interesting story so far, but whoa this chapter is confusing. I think each paragraph of dialogue and description should be for the same person, so that the reader knows who is talking instead of infering.

Eg: " Why is there a big, fat maggot right there?" The Knight looked closely at it.

One would think that the knight is asking about the maggot...
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
amazing so far I'm already hooked and I've just read the prologue! I'm crossing my fingers that the rest of the book is this good
xXJustSomeRandomKidXx chapter 46 . 5/8/2011
Ima add another review. Lolz. Just wanted to say it was awesome, and I'm glad Anniya ended up with West. I always fall in love with the bad boys (usually witty), rather the good guys (but i guess Robert wasn't exactly a goody two shoes, but you know what I mean, right?)
Jane chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
To Faeriegurl,

I read your story many years ago, when I was in sixth or seventh grade, really, and the images that you created still resonate in my mind. In particular, I was rather obsessed with West and decided to name one of my future children after him, but that's another tale. In short, Anniya is such a beautiful and touching story. I feel honored to have read your work.

I hope you're still writing!

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