Reviews for Grey Sky, Broken Sword
TheSnicketSister chapter 6 . 5/28
My poor Malcolm, sad but neat fic
LoyaulteMeLie chapter 6 . 4/17/2015
How dreadfully sad, and how poignantly written. The Expanse cost them all, and not even Malcolm was immune...
Cap'nFrances chapter 6 . 7/11/2013
Beautiful story. You really show the pain of addiction and how lost an addict can feel. Also you showed the depths of Trip's caring for his friend, even though he finds it hard to understand. But this is only the beginning of Malcolm's recovery. A sequel would be great.
Seacook chapter 6 . 8/5/2010
Enjoyed your story very VERY much, but have a question: hope you will pardon my ignorance but you mention a poem at the end of the story, yet I didn't find any poem in the story itself. Thought maybe it was a reference to the story's title but when I did an online search the only thing that came back was your story...

Looking forward to a sequel and/or a follow-up from Archer's POV (along the lines of him feeling hideously horribly guilty about Malcolm's predicament, among other things, but unable to let anyone see that side of him, maybe?)
T'eyla chapter 6 . 6/10/2006
This is a good story, good material, and fine description. You've got a talent to make a lot of few words. However, the story is told too fast for my taste. Dialogues are reduced to a few key sentences. There's no time for the readers to catch their breath. From time to time it makes the narration seem like a painting rather than a story.

Nevertheless I really enjoyed "Grey Sky, Broken Sword". I guess I'll have to check out some of your other fics ;).

volley chapter 6 . 7/4/2005
Powerful story! How about a sequel?
The One Forgotten chapter 6 . 6/30/2005
This was a beautiful story...I felt so sorry for Malcolm and what he went through. I like that you dealt with the issue of drug use sympathetically (I think I spelt that wrong!) Lovely friendship piece with Trip there for him...I'll say it again: Beautiful...
The Libran Iniquity chapter 6 . 6/18/2005
Now that's resolution for you, and although I foresee a long road to full recovery for Malcolm *kicks crystal ball further under the desk*, I think he's already gotten over the worst of it all.

Superb story. Absolutely superb. I raise my mug of tea to you *cheers*

Sita Z chapter 6 . 6/18/2005
Very powerful way of wrapping things up. I liked how Malcolm admitted that he would do it again if he got the chance... a very realistic view of the subject. Many drug addicts suffer a relapse if they don't keep a real tight control on themselves. Malcolm's going to need all the support Trip can give him... BTW, I love how you write the T/R friendship.

Thank you for a wonderful, intense story!

Cha Oseye Tempest Thrain chapter 6 . 6/17/2005
Well done. Very well done.
Drakcir chapter 6 . 6/17/2005

This is a lot of updates!

I'm glad everything turned out ok in the end, although, Malcolm's still got a long way to go...
Drakcir chapter 5 . 6/17/2005

Was that a lethal dose?

Please update soon!
Hisster chapter 6 . 6/17/2005
I can't tell you how much I liked this story. It really touched me. I really didn't have a doubt that Trip would be there for Malcolm. Thanks for a great story!
forlornhope1865 chapter 5 . 6/16/2005
First, I like this story very much. Second, Archer -what an a**hole. Just the way he was in the Xindi arc of the show. I was ready to kick him then & now again in your story. So you must be writing him right.

It's typical of the Xindi-arc Archer that he got what he wanted but didn't have to pay the price himself. And so holier-than-thou of him to blame Malcolm for making the hard choices and taking the risks.
Sita Z chapter 5 . 6/16/2005
I really hope Trip's going to keep at it, even though Malcolm obviously doesn't have the situation under control at the moment.

Maybe Phlox could help with the withdrawal symptoms, give him painkillers or something?

Another couple of great chapters, thank you!

Sita Z
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