Reviews for Here comes the son
yesboss21 chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
I wonderwhat would have happened have Tiberius stayed in Jerusalem?
Boramir chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
Great writing. You have nailed the characters in this movie.
Smithy chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
Balian so reminds me of Squire Johan from 'The Smurfs' cartoon series of the 1980's. In fact, if Joh an had indeed bulked up a little and grown a beard, well, there would not be much difference in looks. Balian challenging Guy was classic, no wonder they became enemies.
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 12/31/2015
earthdragon chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
Another good story in your KoH series. I liked Tiberius and it's nice to hear his pithy views on King Baldwin's court, as well as his opinion of the lovely Balian.

Regrettably, in reality, there were very few, if any, honourable knights fighting in the crusades - they were all after the same things, land and treasure. They treated the native Christians and Jews shamefully, putting the population to the sword and ransacking the Byzantine churches and temples with the same zeal as they applied to attacking the Muslim population - leaving a legacy of resentment that lasts to this day. And, of course, they were all fighting each other as well - competing in a never-ending power struggle. Perfect knights really do only exist in poetry and fiction.
StargateFFWriter chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
Like how Tiberias insults and mentally/verbally aggresses against Guy.
Rayakina chapter 1 . 9/28/2005
Wonderful retelling of two marvellous movie scenes which I have now clearly in mind again. Elegantly written and, in addition, from one of my favourite characters!
Redone chapter 1 . 6/19/2005
I love this Tiberias's POV! At times perhaps it sounds a bit too modern, but it is definitely nice to crawl into his head and see what is going around there. I wish there were more Tiberias stories around, he deserves much more attention. He, along with the King and Godfrey, were my favourite characters. And the Hospitaller too. I'm always glad to give you plot ideas, especially involving those characters. :)
Sunniva chapter 1 . 6/18/2005

Great, I loved it. I hope you have more of these coming.


HikaraKokoi chapter 1 . 6/17/2005
Awesome fic. This was very well written and I loved it! You are a great writer.
lateBloomer04 chapter 1 . 6/16/2005
That was SO GOOD! Please don't let it end there. You really are a talented writer, especially when describing Guy, comparing him on the surface as to what he is on the inside. And your story had an original POV, Tiberias is a cool character we should read about more often. Again, great job.
Doc M chapter 1 . 6/16/2005
Excellent piece within movie universe - re-examining an existing scene from the POV of another character. Raymond is one of my favourites, anyway!
Kirsten-B chapter 1 . 6/16/2005
Nice! It was like watching the movie again, well, at least part of it...

I guess you matched Tiberias thoughts to the bit. Of course that is not too difficult (no offense meant), since everybody in their right minds would probably feel the same...

I'd like to read more of your works... already read 'Morning musings' and am going to read 'Know thy enemy' asap...:-))