Reviews for Ignorance Is Bliss
JereduLevenin chapter 2 . 11/15/2007
Getting to Know You is from The King and I!

You're a wonderful writer, by the way! Love the angst of the first chapter!
Blue Bragon chapter 2 . 6/8/2007
please update this please well continue okay really love this
jedimasteryugi2 chapter 2 . 12/13/2006
i like the story
jedimasterseto chapter 1 . 12/13/2006
hey i like the story
hillfrog chapter 2 . 10/9/2006
I have yet to see happiness, where is the happiness? Is there none?

Sorry, I'm a sucker for happy endings, so...

Will the group finally meet the Kite and Tsukasa AIs in the next chapter? I'm curious to see their reactions.
Point Taken chapter 1 . 10/9/2006

That was so...sad.

Are you going to make it happy? I mean, after all that suffering, Kite and Tsukasa, or Amaya, they deserve to be happy in some kind of way, indirect or not, right?

Please don't leave me hanging
seven of wands chapter 2 . 5/5/2006
ちょっと。 ひどいです。 なぜかれらがしんじてるですか。?

how cruel. an interesting story, but cruel. stripped of their lives and memories, living under a blanket of bliss weaved out of both love and misguidance. rather, no, extremely unfair, i think. ma, i hope you keep updating.
LavenderAlana chapter 2 . 2/14/2006
*drools at awesomeness*

Just finished the first story a couple minutes ago. This stuff is shwet *_*
Zeida-and-Maria chapter 2 . 1/4/2006
Please continue! I'v been waiting for months... I want more!

Miko102 chapter 2 . 12/12/2005
This is interesting! I hope you update it soon!
Andrius oconner chapter 2 . 8/2/2005
Thanks for reviewing my story so far this one shows promise and it sounds great at least you compensated for the fact they died by making them reborn in the world. Well done good luck on this one.
Macky chapter 2 . 7/14/2005
Nice chapter please continue.
Nessmk chapter 2 . 7/10/2005
Wow... That was awesome. Always is.

Kinda odd though... Now that Tsukasa is just an AI, isn't he a "he" now? So there goes all chance of a romance... I hope...

twilight chapter 2 . 7/5/2005
'A'twitch' and 'a'swish', huh? Well, you gave Mia more of a personality. It's not as...poignant as the one in Antilogy (whoa, I hope I spelled that right. And, don't blame me for 'poignant'! Random words just pop into my head when I write, and I learned it's just better to go with them..). She never really had much of one, being an AI and all, but I guess you finally just put her in long enough to show that she's more human acting, and not just in that evil-little way in the games when she's just mean, but actually almost sincere. You really surprised me. I didn't figure you'd end this one in only two chapters, and then start with another sequel. You do realize, now you can't delete the prologue, no matter how depressing it was, and your threats to do so now have to bases. Unless, you put this chapter as the other stories prologue... Ack! Bad mind! *smack* I'm not supposed to be giving you ideas so you can delete the last chapter! I liked that chapter!

Oh, and just so ya know, when you wrote 'the link is thus:', nothing showed up under it. I mean, I already know the link, but, just thought I'd tell you, in case something was supposed to be in that big blank spot.
Vertigo900 chapter 2 . 7/3/2005
Thank You Snarky, you da bomb. Now for chapter 3...
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