Reviews for Time
Lucifer-the-great-undead chapter 12 . 9/23/2008
Wow this was a very interesting way of telling a story. I was very impressed by your style. This is depressing and uplifting at the same time. You dealt with the concept of time quite nicely.
GregoryHouseAddict chapter 12 . 7/1/2007
That was so sad. :'( It was good though.
Witchy-grrl chapter 12 . 3/18/2007
Wow. That was just...WOW. ::immediately putting this in Favorites:: The Cam/Wilson was so subtle that I didn't mind at all, and the character studies were just works of art. SERIOUSLY. The ending, with its hint of House/Cam? That just made me cry too...

But, yeah...I love. I love a LOT. :)
Eliche chapter 12 . 3/13/2007
wow intresting story. great job. :D thx for making me think
Elizabeth swan chapter 1 . 12/20/2006
This fiction is what amazing is made off. Truly an engaging and inspiring experience. Any non H/C centered fiction that can make me read, chapter after chapter in awe -deserves a gleaming review. Kudos!
Infusiion chapter 12 . 8/13/2006
I was right... I DID love this story. I don't care that I was wrong with my little lightbulbs, this story was so perfect so I didn't WANT to be right. If you know what I mean... Probably not. This story was haunting and beautifully written. There's so much I want to say about it, but I'm at a loss for words so this will do:

*points to what previous reviewers have written* What THEY said!
Infusiion chapter 7 . 8/13/2006
Yay! I was right! But is it Wilson's or House's... or someone else's. I reckon it's House's. There's only one way to find out!

I keep telling myself not to review until the end. I'm sorry, I just can't resist adding my little comments. You're not going to complain about some extra reviews, are you? :P
Infusiion chapter 5 . 8/13/2006
*lightbulb* Cameron's not pregnant, is she?

*new, brighter lightbulb* Or when you said House wasn't gone, did you mean he appears to the doctors (and Stacy) like he just did to Cuddy?

Must continue reading!
Infusiion chapter 4 . 8/13/2006
Whaddya mean House isn't gone? Oh, I can tell I'm going to love this story. I already added it to my favourites. Your description of Cameron breaking down in this chapter was brilliant. Tears almost sprang to my eyes. Which is really saying something, for me.

I'm so glad she got the cane. I kept picturing her doubled over, clutching his cane so hard her knuckles were white, with her face screwed up in grief. And it was all silent and slow-motion like, kinda like what you see in the movies. Heh, I just HAD to comment on that scene.
canthereisto chapter 12 . 6/28/2006
as I think i already said, this is truly one of the best stories I've read. The prose is so well written, emotions are encapsulated in mere sentences. I loved this story, even with the twist: I was so sure it was House's kid! Sorry for the tons of reviews, but once i started I couldn't stop. lol, great great great great fic.

canthereisto chapter 4 . 6/28/2006
officially the best story ever, and I'm only on the 4th chapter! this is wonderfully written, i have a box of tissues at my side right now. right readong on...

Jennie chapter 12 . 5/25/2006
Oh man, you had me in tears- several times. Whoa... I really loved the way you messed with all the characters- and in such a believeable way too. Excellent job.
Adri chapter 12 . 5/11/2006
Wow, you are one of the most talented fanfic writers in the House fandom. You have such a way with words especially the opening sentences.

Anyway, this fic almost made me cry, and I thought for a minute that Cameron was pregnant with House's kid, and it turned out to be Steve's. It makes Cameron look a bit slutty, but then again, she slept with Chase, so I'd say it's pretty realistic. Good job.
Mouse chapter 12 . 2/11/2006
Your fanfic has the honor of being the only one ever to make me cry. So sad!
lupincrazed chapter 12 . 1/3/2006
Yep, that one was a tear-jerker. Goll, you are a great writer. I love your stories so much. Thanks.
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