Reviews for Not Including Naruto
chocolatelover1 chapter 1 . 11/24/2007
Aww... lol so cute! loved it!

good job!
cyan chapter 1 . 9/23/2007

well done!
NaRuKo77 chapter 1 . 7/3/2007
the thing is. I can actually see this happening. lmao. luv it! is there going to be more? *cries*
aureus yarara chapter 1 . 2/8/2007
m, like it. in the rawest sense of the word.

Did you know that the word "angst" is derived from a latin word that means "narrowness". It is related to the feeling of anguish becasue you feel as if somehting was squeezing your heart.

Let me tell you, I sure felt a physical _hurt_ in my chest. Your fic is the definition of angst.
Limit chapter 1 . 1/15/2007
oh... they're not together? why not? are you going to write more? like, say, where Naruto suddenly decides he really like Sasuke all along? and he was just ignoring his feelings. sigh. I like the old cliche. its rather sad really...

I hope you continue, because i can't remember whether this was supposed to be a one-shot or not. damn memory.

cg2006 chapter 1 . 1/13/2007
ha ha, i think that ended in a sort of twist. . that's cool, for once in a sasunaru fanfic, naruto doesn't give in to sasuke...
Social disorder chapter 1 . 12/19/2006
only two words are needed to discribe your fic... 'so cute'
yue no rei chapter 1 . 8/20/2006
hahaha thats was so funi. in the end naruto doent say what he wante to
Immortal Puppet chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
i really hope there more you should write more! i love it!
KuraResa chapter 1 . 2/18/2006
Such cute tender moments that end in violence are always good for a laugh. LOL. That was sweet and funny at the same time. I like reading your fics. _
Cherry Daze chapter 1 . 2/6/2006
Cute story. The last bit cracked me up.
Wistful-Eyes chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
Gohanzgirl chapter 1 . 12/21/2005
kute! I loved it!
momo and her second wave chapter 1 . 9/14/2005
Evil Ramen of Doom chapter 1 . 8/21/2005
aw that was cute!
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