Reviews for To Begin Anew, part 2
whirlingskirts chapter 1 . 6/26
Wow! I love how you convey the difficulty McCoy has - knowing that his six year old ward is really an adult, who has been a close acquaintance. I love the intricacies of your story-telling.

What I don't love - barreling through two installments labeled "complete" to find that they are to be continued in a part 3 - which probably will never come. I feel like I hit a wall at 200 mph! Can you please at least label your stories, part 1 of 6 or some other warning?
Sally chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
Poor Spock! Poor Bones! Stupid Kirk!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/4/2019
PLEASE continue this story.
Beyondtoday chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
Wow, the emotion of their finding themselves and how their relationship changes is almost exhausting. I'm still struggling with how Kirk treated young Spock, it's a little out of character and I prefer a kinder Sarek with Amanda buffering and being the go between. I will continue to read, it's been "fascinating".
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2019
Absolutely loved this sequel! The story is so gripping I literally couldn't stop until I reached the end. I really liked how close to cannon you got their personalities and responses to what I imagine they would have been in the TV series and movies I was very impressed. You are a great writer and I can't wait to read the next novel for this series when it comes out!

One con was only the physical format of the story, it would be easier to read if it was broken up into smaller chapters.
NaginiFay chapter 1 . 12/15/2018
I also love this installment of the story! My only critique is still that this would be much easier to read and to respond to in much smaller chapters. I've checked already and I can't find the next installment! Did you decide to never post it, or not write it, since I see you are still publishing on ?
Scarylady chapter 1 . 7/18/2018
Every once in a while I come back to this story and reread it. It's so atmospheric and (dare I say) fascinating to see Spock really getting to explore (in a much more complete way than as an adult) a human culture. Though I have to say it broke my heart a little that when Sarek thought Spock was his grandson he was (for a Vulcan) pleased as punch with Spock/Spocks behavior. And yet, the moment he found out it was Spock that utterly changed (I mean, Sarek's not thrilled with Adult!now child Spock's logic but YIKES). I can only imagine how Amanda will take this. Or T'Pau.

And I always fear a little for the other human/Vulcan hybrid child mentioned. Unless his Vulcan family was going to be VERY flexible than Vulcan parenting methods could have disastrous results when used on a functionally human child (touch starvation for example).
Anonymous chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
I’ve been binge-reading this since yesterday. I just have to tell you this is easily one of the best Star Trek fics I have ever read. It’s layered and complicated and heartbreaking, and I’m so happy to see McCoy in a nurturing role - he has it in TOS but it’s not always focused on. Thank you so much for writing this. It’s amazing.
McCoy Fan chapter 1 . 9/29/2017
Enjoyed this novel about Spock being changed into a six year old child. The McCoy Spock interaction was first rate. I am sorry to see you have abandoned this after so many reviews assuring you we want to see the next part. I hope it isn't because life isn't going well for you. I'd love to see Sarek have to swallow his pride when he melds with Spock and finds how McCoy gave him a great second childhood under the adverse conditions. The two of them co-parenting Spock would be fun to read. Anyway, I enjoyed the life you had them leading and McCoy growling at anyone or anything that would threaten his son Spock. I'll bet I'd love what you write for your final and third novel in the series too whether you take my suggestion or not.
AlephNullCats chapter 1 . 9/10/2017
Still waiting for part 3, you know... This is a good storyline, it would be really nice to be able to find out the ending. You write in a great way that portrays emotions splendidly and have a knack for character development. Please continue this, 12 years is not THAT much... ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
I reread your story. It was still a delightful experience. Can we have a part 3 now?
Stroke3Times chapter 1 . 11/15/2016
Please do not leave us without seeing Spock back with Sarek and Amanda and happily Spock again.
Amber chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
This is an amazing story I hope you will finish it. Thanks for writing, Amber
ChamaeleonEyes chapter 1 . 10/11/2016
This was an extremely intriguing read, thanks for writing these two tomes of story! It was worth reading because of the parts on psychology and riding (whoa, it seems to be an intense sport!) alone. As this ends on such a bitter note, is there any for a part three to happen after all these years? Or... can you tell me/us what you had in mind for the sequel?
In any case, thanks for the story and have a nice day!
licha.s chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
wonderful story.. i know its been a very long time but i hope you eventually find the time to finish the 3rd part.. i really would like to know more about stocks time with sarek.. maybe t pau s involvement? (at least more than your teaser about mccoys feelings. great job!
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