Reviews for The World
yugkemoniony1X chapter 3 . 8/8/2014
Can you continue?
andysanime chapter 3 . 8/12/2011
Really good job so far!
smilysad chapter 3 . 7/9/2011
im sorry to see that you havent updated. i was enjoying the story.
Azhura chapter 3 . 7/9/2011
this is a great story and an interesting plot, hope you can update seeing this story isn't updated for a long time.. it would be a great if you did
Kindra Mckleen chapter 3 . 6/7/2010
Well this is certainly an interesting twist. I hope we'll be seeing other familiar faces, maybe perhaps the Dark Magician? . I can't wait for your next chapter!
yamibrooky chapter 3 . 1/19/2010
update! Don't leave me hanging!
yugifanever chapter 3 . 5/29/2009
Ai as in NPC?

But I though u say Yuugi in coma. Why would Yami say he died? Look interesting story though, can u please updated Yami actually find Yuuhgi soul in the game? Have u erad 1/2 prince story? I think kinda similar (Except the part Yuugi was coma) hahhaa, I like RPG game
gamer260 chapter 3 . 9/28/2007
please update
cat chapter 3 . 9/9/2007
cool story,keep going,hope yugi does not die

that will make me cry :(
lady Alexas chapter 3 . 8/28/2007
dragonlady222 chapter 3 . 6/21/2006
I think this is great. Update soon, please.
dragonlady222 chapter 2 . 6/21/2006
This is really good. I hope Yugi beats the odds.
dragonlady222 chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
I really like this.
Miriku-'-'-Yami no Hikari chapter 3 . 5/22/2006
*yells at top of lungs* AWRIGHT! Let's get this party STAR-TED!

Kimiru: ...-_-;;...

Me: *elbows* You could at least look a BIT excited! *to Nightlight* UPDATE SOON, PLZ!
Kitty Nekkyo chapter 2 . 3/20/2006
oh please write more this is a good story
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