Reviews for High School Play
Fangtasia21 chapter 5 . 6/10
Oops. Tommy will still get his own from his old team members. Mainly Zach and Adam like the two previous blacks.
Opalbrat chapter 5 . 4/6/2013
Lol. Love this!:)
Ghostwriter chapter 5 . 9/29/2009
Wow. Awesome job. Keep it up. Catch ya on the flip side.
TomKimluver chapter 5 . 10/17/2006
Aww...I love your story so far! I can't wait to see what happens next! Please update soon!
Pink Crane chapter 5 . 1/22/2006
kay wow

I love it

so romantic
Pink Crane chapter 1 . 1/22/2006
? Is Ms.H kim

anyway like your story
TrueRomantic chapter 5 . 12/18/2005
Great chapter. I would have reviewed when you first posted this chapter, but I haven't had internet access since late August. I've only managed to get on long enough to check my email. I really loved Kira's comment about Kim fainting. I can't wait for a big scene with Jason and the others when they find out Kim and Tommy are dating. You sould have them come to visit Tommy at the school during the practises and have Kim suddenly walk into the room or something. It would be really funny if they swarmed her and yelled at her and TOmmy for not telling them. Especially if they did it in front of students.

By the way, are you a fan of General Hospital? I was just wondering because Jason Morgan is one of the characters from it. I suppose it could be a common name or you could have just thought it up yourself. I was just curious.

Please update soon.
im-in-love4u chapter 5 . 10/6/2005
the ending was so cute :)
hansongirl14 chapter 5 . 10/6/2005
Your story is getting better and better! I can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Genie05 the second chapter 5 . 10/4/2005
Yeah you updated! *dances around happily and hands out ballons and tosses confetti* Awesome chapter, I loved how you had all the kids grill Kim it was awesome. Update soon!
redandblack 4eva chapter 5 . 10/4/2005
Aww, how cute. But us T/K fans need a bit more action between them.
hansongirl14 chapter 4 . 10/2/2005
Please update soon! I am addicted to your story!
TrueRomantic chapter 4 . 8/21/2005
Great chapter. I loved all the bets Kim made. That was really funny. I can't wait for more. Please update soon.
Cranelove chapter 4 . 8/20/2005
Aw... I loved the bets

Great job, Update soon

VolcanikTiger86 chapter 4 . 8/20/2005
Another review I loved it you made kim faint like she did when tommy became the white ranger and the fact that Kim got 250 dollars because of Tommy and Kira and Connor both got on the show loved update soon
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