Reviews for You Don't Hate Me
Kina Kalamari chapter 12 . 2/17/2017
You have some really good prose in here and I like the concept, but I felt like it moved way too fast. It was hard to connect with the characters or understand why they actually fell in love, especially within the short time that they did. But again, very good prose. You've definitely got some writing talent!
the Moon our Witness chapter 5 . 11/17/2016
I just started reading this and I enjoyed the twist at the beginning that instead of Zuko capturing Katara, he actually saves her. It's really something I can see the ever honorable Zuko doing. Through this different circumstances, you open up a completely new path of possibilities. Unfortunately, even though we get insight into Zuko's thoughts, I feel his transition is not really believable. It feels too superficial and his musings don't run deep enough for such a life changing decision. In chap 5, his relationship with Katara is described through a brief explanation of how they act around each other and while I'm really happy to see those guys getting closer, I really wish there were some situations between them to make the reader feel that budding feelings. Basically, I think you might be rushing some things. Hopefully, I could help you grow as a writer and can offer more input in the future. Keep up the good work.
heartfulyumi chapter 12 . 11/8/2015
nooooo it can't be over
high jinx chapter 4 . 11/9/2014
This is one of my favorite Zuko Katra fics ever.

Kattie and Zu Zu chapter 5 . 1/7/2013
Ha, ha... You're right. Zuko's such a softie.
Obsessed-and-Undecided chapter 12 . 9/10/2012
AMAZING! loved reading it ;D
The 13th Heart chapter 4 . 8/15/2012
Finnaly Katara is awake. Poor Zuko still trying to be excepted. At lest he knows that he likes Katara in more then a friend way. How long until Katara knows it and feels the same way? Keep writing.
The 13th Heart chapter 3 . 8/15/2012
I'm confused as to why you call it a "brief interlude" when switching perspectives of characters. Why don't you just put "so and so's point of veiw"? Anyway YAY Zuko joined Team Avatar! Keep writing.
The 13th Heart chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
I agree with youand you acomplished your goal. This is diffently different from all of those stories. Your first fic here? Good luck! Hope it's as good as this chapter makes it out to be. Keep writing.
IggyandMe chapter 4 . 5/28/2012
I love this story its so sweet and great!
Mac128 chapter 12 . 8/22/2011
Aww. I loved the entire plot. I like how it wasn't the cookie cutter "I've captured you, now love me" story. (: Good job, loved your writing and the different point of views.

KJun chapter 12 . 8/22/2011
Wow! Amazing story!
zutara4evr chapter 12 . 1/5/2011
WOW. I ABSOLUTLY LOVED THIS ENTIRE STORY! yea im six years late but who cares! that was truly amazing.

XxSparklesxxBrightlyxX chapter 12 . 11/30/2010
This is a real cool story very nice. It is the first tome I ever saw that layout and I think it really worked very cool.
Leelee333 chapter 6 . 11/17/2010
Sweet cheesus! That's some angst!
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