Reviews for Another Tohru
victoria chapter 9 . 11/28/2012
...lots of the word...*sweat drop*
aSilentReader chapter 2 . 4/6/2007
lol you no he cant drive. like at all if he tried O.O its like ayame tried putting a dress on kyo XD but yea hatori drives them around if u really think boyut it i really like the sotry to update soon and i on to the next chapter CHARGE!
Yumi chapter 2 . 11/18/2006
So fare so good, exept it seems Furiko doesen't care her parents died. I think you make more realstic.
evrclassical chapter 1 . 6/2/2006
Hey Hotaru...What's up? This is Karyou...Sorry about the new account...But I think I'm just stopping with the other one...Don't ask me why...Anyways, I made a livejournal... random-artist14. that's the link...Check it out sometime...
Your Wings Are Mine chapter 14 . 11/1/2005
where is Tohru?
Your Wings Are Mine chapter 15 . 10/30/2005
Your Wings Are Mine chapter 10 . 10/30/2005
no offense but the haru part was kinda corny... and aya getting jealous... sorry but i can't imagen that... it was good though
Your Wings Are Mine chapter 2 . 10/30/2005
um you know the two sisters really got over the accident really quickly...
micahben chapter 1 . 10/24/2005
hm... your story was the first story i have ever read and i think it's quite good.

uhmm... i just noticed that it takes you a very long time to post the next chapter.

uhmm... i hope i can hear from you soon.

i'm new here in this site and this is my first ever review to anyone.

i have a few comments about your story.

uhmm... i think Furiko is very arrogant in your story and also what happened to the connection between Furiko and Ayame.

i'm sorry if all my comments are negative but i like your plot i just don't know why it's so sex-centered.

i'm sorry if i offended you but i just want you to update.
gleekraisedfromperdition chapter 15 . 10/16/2005
I loved it. Update soon.I used to be Suichis Lover so im still a faithful reveiwer. i just changed my name
inuyashasgirl4ever382 chapter 15 . 10/14/2005
keep up the good work _
some one you don't know chapter 1 . 10/10/2005
that sucks, my review i posted got cut off!i typed so much!11
someone you don't know chapter 15 . 10/9/2005
mwhahahaha,cliff hanger nice...& yeah i would consider it a cliff hanger,though the best cliff hangers r when there is so much suspense,the author just cuts u off which pisses u off so much u want 2 scream!.
Aquabreeze chapter 15 . 10/9/2005
HAHA! I get credit in the next chapies disclaimer again! Wow I wrote and came up with a lot of stuff for your story... of coarse the next chapies was for mine but ya know i'm nice! -! As long as I get credit. LOL! Anyway I am going to write more in my own story since I like just got home for the first time since Friday morning.

I went home on the bus with Chels and stayed there all weekend. Well See you tomorrow!


kayla chapter 15 . 10/9/2005
hi again! i love this story so much and can't wait for the next chapter! i'm glad everyone is do happy! i can't wait to see what happens with akito! is the relationship between haru and fruiko going to get... intresting or will it stay this way? i like it this way don't get me wrong. i'm just a lot like anyway love the story! ;)
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