Guest chapter 7 . 2/24/2013
WHERE IS THE TSUBASA GANG? Face it, Fai would make an awesome alchemist. As would Yûko.
victor1500 chapter 6 . 11/25/2009
when are you going to update!

it has been like 2 years.
Peaches n Cream chapter 7 . 7/14/2006
You still haven't updated, when are you going to update? i'm sure that everyone who loves this story wants to know what happens next, i know i do.

Update soon.

maria chapter 7 . 5/14/2006
well, i'm really grateful, i thought you would never update any more, i'm really happy

thank you for everything, i can't wait!
Peaches n Cream chapter 6 . 5/9/2006
when r u going to update? it's been almost a year and this is an interesting story

Hide and Seek chapter 6 . 2/26/2006
interesting! it's a wonder why u haven't updated yet... update soon, i'm looking forward to more chapters... and... is this going to be an Ed/Sakura pairing? because if it is, it's very original! never seen an X-over like this before.
Samantha chapter 6 . 12/28/2005
OMG! please please please please UPDATE! i haven't found a story this interesting in so long! omg! please please please update!

and if it isn't too much trouble, when u update could you email me? XD i won't mind if you don't lol.

well, i hope u update!

lara alexis chapter 6 . 10/31/2005
Hope that you update soon!-
deynaz chapter 5 . 9/10/2005
hey! great story! i like da combination of Cardcaptors, Chobits and Fullmetal Alchemist! too bad there's no Winry though... it might been better! i wanna see if Winry would be jealous if she found dat Ed liked somone.. and also be careful of ur spelling okay? it's STOREY, not STORY... and it's ANGRILY, not ANGRILEY... update soon!~
CrystalJaganshi chapter 5 . 9/7/2005
You will keep your story going right? I enjoy it very much. I like how sakura is there and I totaly want to know the deal w/ Roy and Karen. Will riza show up somewhere in there? It's a wonderful story. Don't think that just because you don't get reveiws doesn't mean that people don't like it. It just means that people aren't reveiwing which can be frustrating, I know. I hate it when I write something and I ask my friends for input and they don't give it to me. But anyway, it's a great story and I look foreward to seeing more CLAMP characters.


ps- are you planning to include Yuko from XX Holic? I love that series!
ayumwu chapter 4 . 9/3/2005
hey, um, if you don't know, chii talks about herself in third person. err-sorry. (i didn't want to offend anybody)
Flight.of.Angels chapter 4 . 8/31/2005
GAH! YOUR FIC WAS EFFIN AWSOME! MIAHGAWD! YOU HAVE SKILLS! hahaha! Looks like what Hughes has been buggin Roy about will actually come to be! XD ...but one thing I did not like...Ed and can this be! Ed is MY lover! No! He's cheating on me! T_T *ahem* uh...but yeah...update soon ok! Can't wait to read more!
Insanity-Crew chapter 3 . 8/23/2005
I love your story! -grins- I, being the Earth Alchemist, am really happy to see someone out there who's not all over water or air or anything else like that, but don't tell my friend Runya. xD;; It was kinda nice to see Sakura as a flower alchemist, too, that's how I would see her.

Anywhichway, you played all of the characters really well, just watch for using words over and over. Other than that, I was really impressed by the story! Keep writing, we'll check back! My friends and I agree that you're an excellent writer. You're on our favorites list!

What part of Hagane was hard to understand, I'll try to explain it to you. Thanks so much for reviewing our story!
lara alexis chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
Update soon please, i'll give you a cookie.
Sammy-chan chapter 2 . 7/15/2005
Hehe... im guessing that u already know who this is so e-mail wont be any good. Now... i only have one question for u... WHY THE HELL DIDN'T U MAKE ME READ THIS SOONER? Huh? Huh? AWESOME SHIT IS HAPPENING WITH THIS STORY! Karen and Roy? That is GOLD! I woulda never thought... but they go together o-SO-well! And i wonder just who our beloved Elric Brothers will meet up with during their Alchemist High adventures? HUM... i wonder! I MUST KNO WHAT HAPPENS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! And for all of u ppl not reading and reviewing... READ AND REVIEW! IT IS GREAT SO FAR DEAR, GREAT! I can't WAIT for the next chapter... and don't worry... u'll get those deleted reviews back in no time at all.. this story is worth it! Well... i must away, dear! U kno how things are, lol.


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