Reviews for You Are My Sunshine
amyh52 chapter 13 . 6/7/2015
jaufanfic chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
You are not the only one who was outraged i refused to see it when my friend told me what happened in my mind QAF ends in episode 12 ep 13 never happened
waytotheend chapter 15 . 5/30/2009
I know that is been a long time since your last update, but please post other chapters!
bombshellblonde318 chapter 15 . 10/13/2008
AWESOME! MORE PLEASE! It would be awesome for him to propose at Babylon, I mean it is where they met.
Shadow315 chapter 15 . 8/6/2008
NO NO! I wanna know what happens! You can't do that!


CSMars chapter 15 . 10/14/2007
oh exciting! next chapter please!
The-Duchess-Of-Kinney chapter 15 . 4/10/2007
schmittsgirl chapter 15 . 3/17/2007
that was a realy good story...the first time i actually got hooked to a story and couldnt leave the computer till i finished it!
xFireSpritex chapter 15 . 5/10/2006
ah! Need more! please?
xFireSpritex chapter 1 . 5/10/2006
slowly I'm becoming addicted to this fandom, all Brian and Justin stories, and your style of writing in this piece. Time for me to read the rest.

wonderful job so far.
Saena chapter 14 . 12/7/2005
I had almost given up on a new chapter. Which is why I was so surprised to see this one! Good job, and I love that ending. I love the way Brian and Justin react to each other in this story.
RuByMoOn17 chapter 14 . 12/1/2005
soo cute!
Wykked As Syn chapter 13 . 9/10/2005
OMG! great story so far! i cant wait for the next chapter! please update soon, ur a great writer!

-Wykked As Syn
Saena chapter 13 . 9/10/2005
I just sat here for a good few hours and read this entire story in one (well, two) sittings. And I loved it. I haven't had the chance to watch Queer as Folk for months, but I think your story captured the characters' actions and dialogue very well. The question is: is it over now, or do I have even more to look forward to?

Kessy Kate chapter 11 . 7/26/2005
haha again, awesome chapter, can't wait for more.
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