Reviews for Lost and Found
homosexualsakura chapter 1 . 8/20/2009

Lots of delirius love,

Fanny chapter 1 . 8/3/2006
A really amazing good.

Been reading this before, but never left a review. I can read it over and over again. You're a very talanted writer.
Megan chapter 1 . 1/4/2006
holy shit. that was like the best i've read.
arualms chapter 1 . 11/21/2005
I read this a while ago, but for some reason did not leave a review. I absolutely love this (as well as everything else you have written!). Your insight into the characters minds is amazing, you redemed Seth for his crappy behavior in season 2 and you managed to give Sandy flaws that are understandable. The way you describe Ryans reaction to having been in a coma is verry compelling and you even make me like Marissa. Just brilliant!
Rach CD McKenzie chapter 1 . 10/25/2005
I just found this fic and it really made me smile! I love the interaction between the fantastic four and the whole family! It was brilliantly written and it was a really great read!

Loved it!

Rach X
Ansy Pansy aka Panz chapter 1 . 9/18/2005
oh wow. Brilliant fic!
tatertots370 chapter 1 . 8/27/2005
So fantastic. The one flaw was that it ended too quickly.
Sanae chapter 1 . 8/18/2005
Fantastic story. I absolutely loved it!

If there isn't one already, I seriously think you should consider a follow up.

Excellent writting style too! Very well done and totally on character.
CHLPlove chapter 1 . 7/16/2005

I luved dis story. I'm guessing it waz a one shot fic. Anyway it was like so good lol. Um I'm gonna read all ur other stories (if u have other ones) coz this one was so well written! Anyway i rekon u could probably make this into like a "series" or wateva u call dem lol!

From maddy-sparkles
benzbabidoll chapter 1 . 7/14/2005
Great Job!
SweGuy chapter 1 . 7/13/2005
You mentioned Smorgosbord! the best swedish word there is.

Lots of angst in the beginning but with a happy ending.

Really great story!
xkjd948mds chapter 1 . 7/11/2005
The best thing I have ever read. Loved every single word.
jess chapter 1 . 7/10/2005
omg i am so glad you posted another story right when i think i reach my brandywine withdraw limit you come up with something completely new and different can i first say i was on the bandwagon to get the sequel to laying flowers and happy you did it. and now you wrote three completely different stories about the season finale each one great in the way they have different plot twist and different views on core characters. once again i luv everything you write and cant wait for more new great ideas
I-Believe-In-The-Butterflies chapter 1 . 7/10/2005
That was the best one shot I've ever read!

I loved how it all came together at the end. Marissa is okay...yay! And Ryan is going to be okay soon...super yay!

This was the best post finale ever! It was so sad too. Seriously, not just saying this or anything...but when Ryan went to see Marissa and she was like "don't go" tears welled up in my eyes! I was like "why the hell am I crying over a fanfiction story?" But it's that great!

Loved it. Definately going to my favorites!

YOU ROck! -J
forgottenletters chapter 1 . 7/10/2005
glory that took me a while to read! that was far beyond amazing. i totally think you should write a few more chapters for this story. like follow the teens as they recover from everything
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