Reviews for Epistolary
purplewine chapter 10 . 7/18
I honestly do not know what to say. This is one of the most well-written story I've ever read, and mind you I've read A LOT. It might be because of my attachment towards the suikoden series, but I'm pretty sure the position Futch and Sasarai currently hold in my heart is fully credited to this story right here. Flik's "What last grand adventure?" almost sent me bawling. This story, I believe, will forever remain etched in me. Thank you.
ReadR chapter 10 . 2/2/2011
damn. That's... Dark. I like it though
Jonathan Priest chapter 10 . 8/17/2008
I found your story very entertaining, and the idea of Futch and Sasarai corresponding with one another certainly adds some interesting plot points. I was rather concerned that the fall of Grasslands didn't exact further retribution from the rest of the continent. And I felt that the last chapter was sort of underwhelming in response to what has come before.

I was disappointed that Sasarai never responded to Futch, and there was a 200 year gap between chapter 9 and 10 w/ no correspondence at all. That, and considering Sasarai's mindset, I would have expected his last letter to be addressed to Orosi indicating he will go the way of Geddoe, as he is a relic of the old world.

But those are only little nitpicks in a very enjoyable story. Wonderful job. Few questions however. Who was the human lover of a true rune bearer that helped Futch? I had thought of Jillia, but Jowy didn't have a True Rune so I wasn't sure. What made you decide to kill off Hugo and why was Chris not involved in helping her one-time ally?

Anyway, great read and really enjoyed the experience. Thank you for sharing.
azure orbis chapter 8 . 7/12/2008
I have to say, at first I was a little wary of a story being told entirely as letters between the some of the more random people I could think of in Suikoden, but this story has proved me wrong. The letters are amazing and I love how time changes things, not always in a good way, but how even immortals change- like Sasarai's writing and all his dealings with the evil "white turncoat"- it took me a while to figure that one out- I didn't recall him betraying anyone except Luc and since he was one of the "bad guys", I wouldn't have referred to him as that, perhaps the world's biggest unscrupulous opportunist.

And I love, yes love, the relationship between these two as the heads of their countries. I love seeing Sasarai's vulnerability even though he had Hugo tortured and killed- btw, how could you? Drained of blood systematically and slowly...what a way to die...But this definitely makes some of your other fiction more understandable- I wondered how he got Hugo's blood and now know it definitely wasn't willingly donated.

As I hit the homestretch of your story, I hope it will end well with the two and perhaps they'll be able to meet again, face to face as friends and more drinking will ensue. Thanks for writing such a great suiko fiction. There is something I have wonder though- the god's image on the mountain who had funny robes and a hat who looked like wouldn't happen to be a naruto reference to the third hokage and the hokage monument, would it? The funny hat and long robes make me think along that line and if you think about it, the third does somewhat resemble Max. Well if it is, kudos for adding that in and if not, eh whatever.
the bird of the chapel chapter 10 . 5/22/2008
My god...McDohl's death already made me sad, but he's live too long . wonder how he got killed...and wonder what the war was about. It was a tragic ending! Not all stars survive...

Poor Sasarai. He hadn't even written back...
the bird of the chapel chapter 9 . 5/22/2008
Your uncle, may the bastard rest in peace, was right about that at least."

LOL Futch called him a bastard xD I vaguely wondered while reading the chapter if Futch had shared any memories to Sasarai about Luc. And dubbed 'Pretty Boys' hahaha xD I assume Futch didn't call Luc a bastard out of abhorrence or anything like that. His line about Futch in the final battle testifies that. 'Course what Luc did was still stupid for an old man like him xD
the bird of the chapel chapter 8 . 5/22/2008
A whole journey, LOL XD And compare notes? HAHAHHA XD Now on my fav list!
the bird of the chapel chapter 7 . 5/22/2008
“Pig killer, pig killer, got a bark to match his bite,

But a circlet-wearing child made pork chops of Luca Blight.”

Hehehe. A peaceful chapter -
the bird of the chapel chapter 6 . 5/22/2008
Short, but lively. Futch's comments were hilarious as usual. He really wanted to cheer Sasarai up :(
the bird of the chapel chapter 5 . 5/22/2008
Woah, war. The early conversations made me laugh XD

"It died with Hugo." XD

"That was thoroughly unnecessary." XD BONUS

The comment about black and the flagship threat was hilarious too! But the lines above this was the BEST.

Lightweight x)

I sense something bad in the last letter. Months or even a year have past by already then...
the bird of the chapel chapter 4 . 5/22/2008
Aw :( Sasarai, so complicated D: having grown in all that politics, guess it's a bit expected. Futch is more emotional a bit, but who wouldn't .

And lol at the first two letters xD
the bird of the chapel chapter 3 . 5/22/2008

Sure I didn't understand half of the stuffs they were talking about in Chapter 1 and 2 xD Sasarai speaks too formally and somehow vague and indirect. Now I know why. Politics. Makes me want to think. Futch's last line: right words pal.
PsychoLeopard chapter 10 . 8/13/2007
Aw, is it over?

That seemed like a bit of an abrupt end after a large gap of time, but I understand that you were running out of ideas. Also, it does seem like the way he would go out in a war involving the Runes. Good work on a job well done.
Blue Paladin chapter 10 . 8/13/2007
Reading Eisberg Inc helps a lot.

The first time I read this chapter, I found that the long time jump was very jarring, and very unexpected. However, after rereading this chapter in tandem with the previous one, it does make a certain sort of sense. The important thing here is that Futch stirs, takes action, and implicitly crosses Pesmerga from the last chapter.

Breaking the fourth wall by having Futch talk about fetch quests was a nice touch. I suppose if you’ve lived as long as Futch, you’re allowed to send people off on half-relevant quests just for the hell of it.

His appeal to Sasarai in the middle letter was very touching. There really is no one else left to pray for him.

The question is- does Sasarai now become a dangerous, unstable thing because he’s lost Futch? He suggested to Orosi that would be the outcome if Futch died during the Pesmerga chapter.

Or will Sasarai simply submit to a sort of weary resignation, letting this time of sorrow and change eclipse him?
suikofan chapter 10 . 7/28/2007
Wow loved it very well writin.
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