Reviews for Marooned
Ariadne chapter 11 . 1/10/2013
I'm stunned by the quality of this fic. I'll definitely be returning to read this again.
AA121 chapter 11 . 8/22/2012
OMG best thing I've ever read - you got them so perfectly! So amazing! Seriously, you need to write more; would be great to read j/e things from you via DMC or your own version of AWE ;)
KrnYong chapter 11 . 2/27/2012
*Applause* I think you really got Jack, like his dialogue and interactions with Elizabeth. Their banter was highly amusing to read, and I loved your speculations on what happened on the island. I'll remember this whenever I watch the movie :)
The Terrible Jester chapter 11 . 12/15/2011
Good fic very well written and in character. well done!
CaptainThetaSigma chapter 11 . 10/1/2011
This is brilliant! I love how you portrayed Jack and Elizabeth, both of them were perfectly in character. I especially loved the crab racing, the sand castle, and when they swam before the fire part. And fantastic cameo from the shell!
qwertyuiop678 chapter 11 . 8/18/2011
i only just found the new chapters... OMG why did i forget to put story alert on this one... YAYAYAyyAAYYAYAYAYYY! i'm practically bouncing up and down in my seat for some reason... great job.. i love the sandcastle bit.. .
sinisteredgirl chapter 11 . 5/31/2011
absolutely lovely! this fic deserves more reviews!

definitely going to my faves :)
MorganBonny chapter 8 . 2/21/2009
Fantastic read. Flows very smoothly betwen movie scenes and your own, with a great insightful depth. Again, I am staggered. You understand people, especially the elusive Captain Jack, with incredible alacrity. I don't think I could keep track of that many mood swings on one island.

Something I'm curious about though, is how the 'nine-pieces-of-whatever-we-happened-to-have-in-our-pockets' fits into Jack's description of his beads in this chapter and your PotC world. I had a hard time getting a visual on all the different beads and I couldn't find a very cooperative photo, but I gathered that Jack's 'piece of eight' came from the 'ladies' strand. Is that in reference to a romance with Calypso? That seems a strange choice for the object used to bind her, or perhaps the other way around? Maybe you can clear this up.

Anyway, smashing good job, you need to write a book we can actually pay you for. Keep writing!

Remaining yours truly,

JustAnotherAuthorDurping chapter 11 . 7/21/2008
I totally loved this - the whole idea, the crabs, sandcastles, all of it was great! Wonderfully in-character, and just a ton of harmless flirting and whatnot. I loved it. :3

Jennifer Lynn Weston chapter 11 . 7/10/2007
Oh, wonderfulness!

The island scene in the movie will never look the same to me.
Turning Pirate chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
Congratulations! You and your story have been inaugurated into the "Pirates of the Caribbean FanFiction Hall of Fame".

Please visit my profile page for more details.

It's not as grand as it sounds, but we hope that by setting this up we are providing a valuable service for all PotC FanFiction lovers out there.

Please come and make some nominations of your own or just join in the fun!
randomcryptid chapter 6 . 5/29/2007
I usually wouldn't review a completed fic until the last chapter, but... Pure awesomeness. xDD
Peace Like a River chapter 11 . 5/17/2007
Wow. I usually avoid 'island fics' for some reason, but this was fantastically written! Great job! You really got Jack and Elizabeth's characters right, and I especially loved that phosphoresence scene. Beautifully done, without having a J/E pairing. :D
StoriesThatNeverWere chapter 11 . 4/14/2007
I was going to wait until later on in the morning to comment, but I decided to write while I recalled everything clearer.

Absolutely fantastic! I did prefer Jack's 1st rescue, but this was very beautiful. You have such a knack for POTC writing. Your research appeared dead on to me, although I have only breifly studied the subject myself.

The stories of Jack's beads were extremely creative, and extremely like Jack.

*Favorite Author*

Again, excellent job. I do hope you'll make more of these. Maybe for the 2nd movie? :)




teacrumb chapter 11 . 8/10/2006
Ah! That was utterly marvelous! It had everything! Humor (loved the crab race, and the attack on fort Charles) and despair alike in the same fic. Extremely well done. I'm almost sad they had to leave. (lol)
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