Reviews for A Renaissance Affair
Nordique chapter 8 . 5/30/2018
Excellent story. Thank you for upping the quality of writing around here. The many references made me feel like I wasn't such a complete Neanderthal for slumming in the world of fanfics. ;)
Meganp chapter 8 . 4/21/2018
I’m so glad I’ve found this story, even after all these years! The plot was wonderful, it was beautifully written and left me wishing for a sequel!

Seriously, you did an amazing job! I sure wish you still wrote fics like this!
Amy chapter 8 . 11/7/2017
It was really an exceptionally fine story based on that particular episode from Season Five. I preferred your Sara than any of those sobbing, hysterical or having a hissy fit Sara other writers presented in their stories. No matter how I wish Grissom could be more like Mike Kaplan, I do know a different Grissom would have changed the flavours of the show. Ah well. The interactions between Greg and Sara were masterfully executed. It alawys makes me laugh whenever I read the story or simply remember how you wrote about it. You did Greg justice.

Would you write a sequel to this story with multiple POVs? I always wonder how Sofia would feel about the dinner invite since Grissom didn't initiate another one. Greg should be made the baby's godfather if there's going to be a Gregory Michael Grissom!
Lydia chapter 8 . 12/28/2012
This is one of the best written pieces as far as post Unbearable goes.

It always makes me smile whenever I get around to re-read it. I do hope you will come back with more GSR stories.

Thanks for all the good works. I do appreciate all of your postings.

Have a great 2013.
My Kate chapter 8 . 5/12/2011
just came upon this story and had to send you a note to say it is as enjoyable today as ever...thanks for posting this was a delight to read...
LikeButterOverTooMuchBread chapter 8 . 7/2/2009
wow. okay, i don't actually watch csi. i watch bones, and today i just accidentally stumbled on this story. and i love it. i don't even have to have watched the series to get the story and love grissom. and i repeat, i have never watched it. ever. so cyberhugs from me to you _
Ardin chapter 8 . 1/19/2009
You should totally write a sequel or continuation to this. It's fabulous. What happens if Sara is pregnant? How do they deal with it at work? Or if she's not then how does this effect everything that happens after this point on the show? I would love for you to write more, but if not then, at least THANK YOU so much for this.
murmure etoile chapter 8 . 11/9/2008
Ohh! A baby Grissom! I loved your story! Some lines (especially from Greg!) were priceless! Thanks for sharing!
CSIgsrFANOH chapter 1 . 11/7/2008
Good story. I just finished reading all of your stories. I hope you have another one planned.
SherlockedWhovian0 chapter 8 . 9/1/2008
Oh, wow. You are an amazing writer! This is possibly my favorite story I have read on the site so far, and I have read a lot. I always know a story is good when I don't get antsy or bored waiting for the inevitable tumble into bed...

Thanks for making my night!
IfUKnewUCouldNotFail chapter 8 . 4/12/2008
I Loved this! One of my favourites! Very well written and in character.
jenstog chapter 8 . 3/21/2008
I found this by accident today- so glad I did! Very in-character, beautifully written & a pleasure to read. I was completely hooked from the start and was sad to see it end.
Scourge of Nemo chapter 8 . 1/18/2008
This is one of the most amazing CSI pieces I've read in quite a long while. I loved Greg- he was just... well, GREG. The idea of him as Sara's Date Doctor is just hilarious...

And MAN, Grissom was EXPLOSIVE in the last chapter. I mean, WOW. I loved this- brava!

contrarymotion chapter 8 . 10/2/2007
You left it like THAT? What about Mike? What about Greg the next day? ah...

That said, it goes to show how very well you've written this story. You've got Sara's thought patterns down pat and this POV really works for this story. I loved many things about it, but your characterization of Sara is great.

Could I nicely poke with a pointy stick for at least an epilogue?
contrarymotion chapter 2 . 10/2/2007
absolutely hilarious chapter. And you hit the Greg-Sara-GRissom thing right on the nail. GSR is definately my choice, but sometimes I think like Sara - Greg would be a less fustrating option!
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