Reviews for The Painful Guardianship
Guest chapter 8 . 6/6
My heeeeaaaarrrrttttt I AM LOVING THIS, UGH
Guest chapter 5 . 6/5
Your English is amazing! And I’m loving the story, this is my second time reading it!
Guest chapter 31 . 6/2
You amazing, wonderful, thoughtless, heartless, fantastic human being. I would have left a review on every chapter had I not been so wrapped up in the story, I had to read it straight through and to the end. First of all, despite that the character’s actions may be out of character, I don’t care about that, you nailed their personalities to a T! Second of all, I read this kind of story a lot. And for the longest time I never knew why. It was never a sexual thing either, and it was today, that I oh so painfully realized why I read stories like this all the time and why I loved yours especially so. It’s because...I’m like Harry. Memories flooded to my head as I read of the emotional and psychological abuse and neglect I’d received growing up, though mercy of mercies it was never physical or sexual abuse. My heart tore apart as I realized, that all I’d ever wanted, for so long, having to cope in my own ways and find stories or write my own to satisfy that longing even if only for a short time, I wanted what Harry wanted. To be loved, to be cherished. To be cared for so much in a physically affectionate way. Granted my relationship with my parents is a lot better now that I’m an adult, but it still doesn’t heal the wounds and scars and habits of the past. And oh, oh my heart died a little inside every time Harry asked, “Dad, are you still angry with me?” Because I would say something similar, “Do you hate me? Please don’t hate me!” All the time and sometimes still do it to this day among my closest friends who I consider my true family.

But despite the fact that it was painful, I felt for him, and for myself and for Snape as well, it was also very good for me and helped me process a few things that I’d been needing to process for a few years now, so thank you. Thank you very much. Now! On to the happier part of the review, as a sarcastic and pessimistic person at heart (though you’d never guess that with my bubbly outward personality), I thoroughly enjoyed all the teasing and jokes and funny moments, they were an absolute delight! And there’s nothing I love more than seeing a serious, seemingly no fun person be turned into or be revealed to be a huge softie, and it was wonderful to see Harry and Snape finally get the love and affection that they deserved, and get it in all the ways they wanted as well.

I’m not sure what your schedule is like, but I’ll definitely be signing up to get an email notification whenever you post! Take your time, live your life, and for goodness sake girl, take care of yourself! The world isn’t going to end because you post a chapter late or don’t do it for a while. Oh, and one more thing. Thank you. Thank you for writing this, not only because it helped me, not only because I found it funny at times and thoroughly enjoyed it, and not only because it’s well written. I am grateful for all of those things but I have to say I’m most grateful that you wrote this because of the awareness it brings to domestic, emotional, mental, psychological and physical abuse. These things happen more often than people realize, and even if that wasn’t your main intent/message with the story, I still thank you anyway.

Oh, and one more thing, I love you. Take good care of yourself friend, I hope life is going wonderfully and that all is well! Have a good day/night!
fanclaire chapter 31 . 2/17
Wahou! j'ai fini de dévorer les 31 chapitres !
Pour ma part, j'ai adoré !
Vous m'avez faite passé par tellement d'émotions intenses ! J'ai été triste, J'ai ri ,plus d'une fois , à en avoir mal au ventre! et j'ai pleuré! ...Snape est tellement bon avec Harry, et quand il l'appelle " papa" ...j'ai encore pleuré!
J'aime l'autorité forte d'un papa où équivalent..Harry et Snape s'y prêtent parfaitement!, Autant j'adore leurs relations "chien et chat " se taquinant constamment !,mais tellement complice ! . Autant j'aime un Snape sérieux ,sévère, dure , mais juste.
Harry fait très bien la différence comme il le dit.
Merci !
Les avertissements de fessée étaient bien là. Pourquoi les gens lisent s'ils n'aiment pas ?je ne comprendrais jamais !
Les fessées sont fiction !, ça n'existe pas ! Tout comme les sorciers, la magie ,les voitures volantes...
Fanfiction est un site d'écriture pour des moldus débutants! pas écrire de" période" n'est absolument pas un problème !.
Moi j'ai trouvé l'histoire bien écrite, la seule "période "que je connaisse étant celle qui m' arrive une fois par moi!...

Merci ! Pour toutes ses émotions que vous m'avez apportées !
Vous devriez écrire plus ! ...
KMay chapter 31 . 12/13/2019
Ooooh my goodness.

Sniff, sniff.
Thank you for your amazing story!
KMay chapter 10 . 12/13/2019
Aaaaaah again thank you for your continual efforts!
KMay chapter 5 . 12/13/2019
Great story!
And you are doing so very well considering that English is not your first language.
I have had to study and write in other languages so I respect you for your amazing efforts and recognise how challenging that is.
Thank you for your amazing story.
Guest chapter 21 . 10/3/2019
nice they are getting along/
Guest chapter 12 . 10/1/2019
Guest chapter 11 . 10/1/2019
nice I like this one!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/9/2019
I am sorry harry potter is crying.
popeca3 chapter 31 . 7/14/2019
Amazing work here! I hope the next chapter will come out soon! Thank You! *_*
cinhtay chapter 14 . 1/15/2019
... Not everyone gets allowances you know... Snape is generalizating behavior
cinhtay chapter 10 . 1/15/2019
I dont know why granger said dumbledore would not let buckbeak die... I mean, it is just an animal after all.
A chapter 3 . 11/12/2018
I have never understood why in fanfiction, an adult can take a child and beat- excuse me whack them on their bottoms and suddenly they understand how much they are cared for. Suddenly the light has opened in their life and all they needed was the few slaps to know someone cared. Why Harry an emotionally abused and physically neglected child would even welcome such behaviour instead of receding into himself is beyond me. All of us have gotten slapped around by our parents, maybe it was a light slap on the bottom but often times it left us embarrassed and losing trust in the adult figure in our lives.

Sorry for the amble or whatever you are trying to accomplish with this, I appreciate you contributing to the literary world and showing your creativity however any fanficition that shows this turn of events has always been mind boggling to me.
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