Reviews for Isn't it Grand What I've Managed to Do?
NaTak chapter 10 . 10/17/2018
Amazing story! An incredibly creative and well-thought version of how Duelist Kingdom could have happened. All the characters were very in character and well-written.
I know I’m quite late to the party but I just wanted to share my appreciation for your work. I’m looking for inspiration on how to write about Pegaus, and this was very inspiring.
Congrats and thanks!
NigerianGeek chapter 10 . 1/26/2018
I am smiling from ear to ear right now. This story was lovely, the pacing was lovely, the ending was lovely, Pegasus has somehow become my fave, and it's all so great.
NigerianGeek chapter 9 . 1/26/2018
The latch door thing is very Detective Conan-esque.
Also this fic is crazy good gosh.
NigerianGeek chapter 8 . 1/26/2018
Dunno why Yugi's so pissed. It's not like Pegasus stole it from him. A millennium item helped him win, just like it did for Yugi.
NigerianGeek chapter 6 . 1/26/2018
Yo this chapter was a trip and a half. A trip and a half. I read some reviews before starting this fic (I know, I know) and it gave me pretty high expectations. So far, they've been exceeded.
So much has happened I don't even know how to react. This is definitely the calm before the storm. I can just tell shit's about to go down.
Bored321 chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
My favorite Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic! Together at last!
llivla chapter 10 . 12/26/2015
Ya know, i kind of liked how pegasus, cyndia, and crocketts got away with it. Cyndia forgiving pegasus sort of paralleled the conflict and resolution of yuugi and his other self. And there were plenty of other people murdering, cheating, stealing, and being self-interested/absorbed on the island it didnt feel like a karma houdini. As usual tho: poor bakura ryou and the literal ball and chain that is the ring. I loved the twist in how jou gets the money for his sister and how the whole gang is into duelling, and how mai becomes close with them all.
llivla chapter 8 . 12/26/2015
It's a bit rich of shaadi to say the gods will be after pegasus for using his item to read yuugi's mind when shaadi and the other yuugi use their items just as much and not nearly as goal focused lol. Especially in the duel where yuugi gets the puzzle back. I kind of expected yuugi and the other yuugi and their friends to be like 'hurray for cheating!'

I did awwww at kaiba unintentionally calling the other yuugi the source of yuugi's fighting spirit (as opposed to simply being the fighting spirit) and being so defensive of yuugi being able to play him for real - not be emotionally destroyed. Thats a neat little reference to how horribly things went in canon.

Pegasus' mind and the confrontation with cyndia was everything it needed to be.
Lost chapter 10 . 2/9/2015
Themes were nuanced and I felt did every one justice and felt very neat like you didn't show anything more or less then you should have to capture everything completely we didn't need to see anything more and I feel like see any of the other characters stories would have been detriment to Pegasus' story. All in all a very neat and clean package.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/17/2014
It's half past one in the morning, I've got school tomorrow, my homework is undone, and I don't care. This was the best thing I've read in a while, counting published novels. Pegasus as a character deserve more than the comic relief treatment everyone seems to be giving him, and this did him justice, and then more. I can't thank you enough for the ending. I knew, or thought I knew, what his last choice was going to - would have to be, and to have it subverted in the most believable way... I have no words to describe it. Thank you.
Whiteling chapter 10 . 6/25/2011
Wow I did NOT see that coming!

At least they're happy wherever they are.
Maggie chapter 10 . 12/27/2010
Oh Wow. This is awesome! I love it so much. Faking your own death, always a good way to escape retribution. I'm glad those two got a happy ending, I was afraid they wouldn't. I couldn't stop reading this until I was finished. This is Definitely one of those fics where I say, "If only the real story had been like that." (logs on and faves)
DarkFlameOfTheMonkey chapter 10 . 12/26/2010
Well, that was THOROUGHLY enjoyable.

I'm grinning because the end was so satisfying, and I'm not screaming, "What, they all died dramatically against all expectation?" I've often found that a happy ending is nice, but doesn't always make a good story. What you've pulled off here is a lot of dramatic, in-character ups and downs, ending on a fabulous up.

A lot of characters' perspectives were brought in, making the whole story more solid... The dialogue and interactions were natural... And I particularly liked the opening paragraphs of each new perspective, little delights of detail.

So for that, congratulations and a big WOOOOOOOOH! :D
Tsavorite Garnet chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
This is my third time reading this fanfic. I love stories that you can read over and over again with the same excitement of the first time.
Tsukarete chapter 10 . 8/6/2008
I am truly surprised this story does not have more reviews. It's definitely interesting, and I just love it!
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