Reviews for Home
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 1 . 4/14/2018
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
Thank you. Good day, good night, and good luck.
Iwa Shinju chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
It's beautiful. It's sad. Somewhat heartbreaking even. I can't say I've enjoyed reading it, but I'm glad I did. You haven't replicated canon, you haven't tried to improve it. You've taken it and build on, and beautifully. I'm not really sure if it's even appropriate to call the story of pain beautiful, but it's the only way I can truly describe it. At first, it wasn't easy to read. I don't really like first person narratives and that is why. However, I appreciate the poeticism of the story, the way you don't insist on animating the plotm but concentrate on displaying the emotions. I absolutely love the style the story is written in: not unnecessarily verbose or flowery. It's simply appropriate, I think, anything else would be against the basic rules of decorum.
Shadow of Flame chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
Wow...that was deep...or something. It was good, really good. Also, I like the POV used. Using third person wouldn't have worked at all, and using 'normal' first person wouldn't have given it the same feel...the same realness. However, as much as I like it, I can't read the sequal or the other story you wrote in this same style right now...too much...or I'm just sleep deprived...anyway, great job, it's interesting, if not a bit confusing.
Nota Bene chapter 1 . 4/4/2009
that was absolutely beautiful. i loved it! all the was just amazing. i can't even tell you what my favorite part was because there are so many. you're an amazing writer and it's an absolute pleasure to read your stories. keep up the good work!

Psychiatrist13 chapter 1 . 5/30/2007
Loved it, absolutely loved it. The way they hate each other, which you captured perfectly, and then grow to except who the other person is, is absolutely amazing.
Naniwoiutennen chapter 1 . 6/29/2006
Wow... this is really good... I love the angsty feelings.. the mutual-ness in feelings (I know mutualness... isn't a word... or may be it is...) NE WAYS I like it.
Meta Capricorn chapter 1 . 5/16/2006
I liked those long sentences, the displaying of thoughts. Good story! I liked the thought of the left-over-war-veterans.


TiniTinuviel chapter 1 . 11/9/2005
aw! another super awesome fic! I love the ideas you come up with for your stories... there are so simple but their emotional complexity is so powerful! I absolutely love this fic!
AnnaO chapter 1 . 11/6/2005
Oh, exellent! Very well done, keeping them both in character like that, and Harry's voice rings very true. I can't think why no-one pointed me in the direction of your work before now - am off to read the others.
cecelle chapter 1 . 10/21/2005
Well written and affecting, and the stream of consciousness approach works very well here.

Thanks for writing!
irishanor chapter 1 . 9/16/2005
Wow... this story is extremely well-written and holds it's own for sure. It's brilliantly plotted and planned out and your diction is wonderful... kudos for an awesome job!
Jan-AQ chapter 1 . 9/13/2005
Nice story. :) liked it. it was very unique and full of imagry while being full of thoughts.
Elysia1 chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
BRILLIANT! An excellent story. All my housemates thought I was going crazy because I was crying so much at the computer. Excellent story, well written and truely emotive. Ely.
Llassah chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
Well, you were right. Your one shot whojamaflips are excellent. You have a strong authorial voice, none of what Harry says seems out of place. You've absolutely got under his skin. Kudos et cetera
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