Reviews for The Heir to a Dead Man's Empire I
LittleCrazy1 chapter 23 . 11/25/2005
doesn't ginny clue in to the fact that everybody's practically saying "harry's a pagan"? And wouldn't everybody figure it out when they find out WHY he was randomly coughing up blood? or is that in the next chapter? Wouldn't it just help if Ginny went over to him and said HARRY POTTER I LOVE YOU and then he would hear her and then he would be fine, right? right?
Abbey Eileen chapter 23 . 11/24/2005
Nifty ending? Nah. FANTABULOUS ending. Ish.

It's great, plot-wise... but, mood-wise, it's a bummer. It put a damper on my otherwise great-because-I'm-on-vacation-and-it's-SNOWING!-becuase-it-doesn't-at-home, chipper mood. So grr.

But... I'm sure that it's a great chapter, plotwise.

And it's very well-written, too!
haydenrocks14 chapter 23 . 11/24/2005
wait, im confuzzled. are you going to create a new story that keeps this one going or are you going to continue it under this title?
sound the BEAT chapter 22 . 11/23/2005
I really like this story! I'm eagerly waiting to read more.
Abbey Eileen chapter 22 . 11/23/2005
Yes, it worked. I was a little surprised at first; I'd never noticed it, but I havne't gotten reviews in a while, so I wouldn't know.

I'm rereading your entire series, mainly because I have too much time, but I'm relearning a LOT! Was it originally one big story? I thoguht at first that this was eighty chatpers- the original one, not this one. But am confused...

And I agree with what you7 said about writing everything out in advance. I try to do that, adn it helps, but I just don't have enought patience. :)

Until next time,

Siriuslychessi chapter 22 . 11/23/2005
I't worked! and no... i'm not writting a review just to say that P

You're making me curious, what was wroten in that piece of paper! What did exactly James wrote! i can't take it! or i'm to naughty or to curious or both but i need to know jejeje well not "need" but "want", i supose i have to wait or you just put it there and it realy didn't say anything specific and you're using it to embarase Ron and Hermione, i'll discover it later.

I know that i don't have to write a review in every chapter, but when is one of my favorite writtes i'll do it anyway, i'll like to keep them post, feedback is good for any writter and i practice my english (a little tarzan-like but i practice that's the important thing here jejeje)

Hope you're not to lazy to upload the next chapter! see ya!
LittleCrazy1 chapter 22 . 11/23/2005
cute. wouldnt ron get suspicious of harry and ginny being together all the time. i mean they came in together, wouldn't the overprotective brother want to know what his best friend was doing with his baby sister? i would. but whatever good chapter, please update quickly!
CountingSheep123 chapter 22 . 11/23/2005
Wow this is a really good story. It seems every time i check my email you've posted another chapter. Keep up the good work.
LittleCrazy1 chapter 21 . 11/22/2005
did harry consciously(sp?) heal his hand? GINY'S THE KEY! AH! when they tell her shes the key and she knows the key wants to be with the Lost One and she wants to be with Harry, will he figure out he's pagan? sorry im being such a prat about this, but i really cant wait till he figures it out. i want to see his reaction!
Siriuslychessi chapter 21 . 11/22/2005
Brilliant! as usual, jejeje sorry for the delay on my reviews i'm in the end of the term and it's a little crazy, but i'm still reading in the litle time i have, and i'm loving every chapter, hope can give you a better review in the next chap, keep writting!
Abbey Eileen chapter 21 . 11/22/2005
Kind of like a flashback, it doesn't even have to relate to Harry. But yeah, I guess.

How long does it usually take for you to update when you don't have them pre-written? I'm just curious, 'cause you're putting them up fast, and I don't want to have to wait. :)

Until next time,

Abbey Eileen chapter 20 . 11/21/2005
Yes, I meant Ron.

I like Nate. And the description of Juarbe.

Can we get another view of Lily and James and company? Please? Like, maybe Harry gets a dream of what their life is like, but he thinks it's what could have been? Or, even, just a glimpse that doesn't even involve Harry? Please? :)

I really like your stories, I ahve to say.
LittleCrazy1 chapter 20 . 11/21/2005
wow...harry's kind of dim isn't he? like jeez, with nate asking him questions like that, and all the information about pagans and mastering stuff so easily, you think it would be a wee bit obvious! but whatever, maybe harry's just dim. good chapter, please update quickly!
Abbey Eileen chapter 19 . 11/20/2005
He certainly likes to up and leave, right? This is what, the third time he's done it? Hmm.
LittleCrazy1 chapter 19 . 11/19/2005
wow...I've said this before, and I'll say it again, Harry and Ginny are WAY too horny for their own good. So are Ron and Hermione together or not? I can't quite tell...please update quickly.
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