Reviews for Choice
Mrs.Legilimens chapter 37 . 2/19/2019
I don't understand the situation between Hermione and Severus. What the hell is wrong with Severus? He acts as though H should be the one bowing down and apologizing to him. And there were a few chapters that were basically fillers. How sad that this story was abandoned though. Despite the few inconveniences, i did sort of like the plot.
guest chapter 37 . 2/14/2019
Why do the good stories always have to stop abruptely and get abandoned?
guest chapter 29 . 2/14/2019
I like this chapter very, very much, how he goes from fury to regret.
Guest chapter 37 . 7/1/2018
I've enjoyed what you have written so far.

I hope you soon find your muse again.
MarciKyle chapter 37 . 1/8/2017
Oh how I wNt the story to come back.
MarciKyle chapter 29 . 1/8/2017
This is the first time I have ever wanted to backhand Sev. This story is so entertaining. I haven't lost interest in it yet.
Goodjoss chapter 37 . 12/31/2016
Seriously dude, you need to finish this, it's good!
...And some smut would be nice! :)
Guest chapter 29 . 10/16/2016
Guest chapter 37 . 6/12/2016
Hey really great story i wish u could finish it. Spicy it up between the main character. :)
tanadhari chapter 6 . 5/12/2016
I'm really liking this story so far! I only found 1 grammar mistake that kinda threw me off: When Snape told Hermione her kiss was "addict able". Did you mean addictive? Aside from that, I think the plot is really original, and I can't wait to keep reading!
ghzowy chapter 37 . 4/25/2016
I can't believe this hasn't been updated. Please finish!
Guest chapter 24 . 2/16/2016
Very enjoyable
Guest chapter 15 . 2/5/2016
Na,just kidding.

Athena Dragonseeker21 chapter 37 . 12/9/2015
Please update soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/11/2015
Please come back, it's a great story. I need to read more, I want Hermione to get justice! Come back!'
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